Course SyllabusSubstance Use Disorders in Primary Care

Substance Use Disorders in Primary Care Homepage

This course has been updated to better reflect the current themes surrounding substance use disorders in a primary care setting. 

If you are already enrolled in this version of the course, you are allowed to complete it and obtain a certificate or register for the new course version using this link.

For all new students, register for the updated version following the next steps: 

  1. Register for the Substance Use Disorders in Primary Care course. 
  2. Begin the course with Module 1.

This course has been developed for implementation and use by for use by the majority of primary care workers around the world and in low-resource settings, and provides an introduction to the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders through online didactics, and provides the student a chance to practice techniques, with locally and globally available peers and mentors, that may reduce the prevalence and the health effects of substance use disorders. All components of this training (like all training) are free, including registration, learning, testing, and a certificate of completion.

The course consists of 6 modules to be completed through online study and peer activities. These modules provide:

  • a basic introduction to mental health and substance use services
  • an overview of stigma and how it can be addressed
  • an introduction to best practices for the management of substance use disorders in primary care
  • an introduction to the Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) Package
  • a few key tips for monitoring and follow-up care for those suffering from substance use disorders, with a special emphasis on common co-morbidities
  • strategies to communicate with people seeking care and their families and caregivers

Evaluation consists of a practice quiz in each module, completion of two peer activities, and a final exam. In order to take the final exam, you will need to complete two peer activities. A certificate will be issued if the final exam is passed with a minimum score of 70 percent. You will also have an opportunity to provide feedback on the course to help us make the learning experience even better. We will give you all the results of your assessments, such as your final exam and peer activities. We can report your testing information and share your work with anyone (your school, employer, etc.) that you request. We hope this is a wonderful learning experience for you, and the assessment that you provide at the course’s conclusion will help us improve the training for future students.

This course is cosponsored by: the Africa Mental Health Foundation, the Annenberg Physician Training Program in Addiction Medicine, and the University of Florida and sponsored in part by the Annenberg Physician Training Program. This course uses competencies adapted from the WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP), and resources from accredited, world-class organizations such as the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA), the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the  World Health Organization, and the World Medical Association. Course co-developers are: Veronic Clair, MD, MSc, CCFP, FRCPC; Sukhdeep Jassar, MPH; and Abednego Musau, MBChB. Our Advisory Group is: Erica Frank, MD, MPH; Stuart Gitlow, MD, MPH, MBA; Victoria Mutiso, PhD; David Ndetei, MD, PhD; Scott Teitelbaum, MD; and Randall F. White, MD, FRCPC. We also gratefully acknowledge major review and contributions from: Bernice Apondi; Chelsea Hitchen, BA; Sandra W. Kimani, MBChB; Mwiti K. Makathimo, Project Management, MBChB; Aggrey G. Mokaya; Johnston M. Muthoka, BSc, MBChB; and Jackson N. Njoroge, MBChB.

For publications on this course’s efficacy, see “Online Learning Improves Substance Use Care in Kenya: Randomized Control Trial Results and Implications,” (2016), Annals of Global Health; see also “Peer and Mentored Enhanced Web-Based Training on Substance Use Disorders: A Promising Approach in Low-Resource Settings to Teach Knowledge and Skills and Decrease Stigma,” (2019), Psychiatric Services, In addition, see “Building Public Health Capacity through Online Global Learning,” (2018), to see more research related to’s educational model, check out’s publication page.

Approximate time required for the required readings for the course is 26 hours at an average reading rate of 144 words/minute; in addition, there are required activities.

*This course is sponsored in part by the Annenberg Physician Training Program: Abstinence-based Recovery from Addictive Disease.

Module 1: Introduction to Substance Use Disorder Services in Primary Care

Competency covered in this module: 
  • Understand and be receptive to including mental health and substance use disorder services in primary care.

Required readings
    Optional readings
      Peer Activities

                Module 1: Lesson 1: General Information

                Learning Objectives:

                Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

                • Discuss how primary health care can be involved in lessening the burden of mental illness, including substance use disorders.
                • Define the concept of "task-shifting".
                • Describe the WHO mhGAP principles of care and priority conditions.
                • Summarize the science behind substance abuse and its possible effects on health and social functioning.
                Approximate time required for the readings for this lesson (at 144 words/minute): 2 hours.

                Click here to start this lesson

                Module 2: Addressing Stigma and Protecting Human Rights

                Competencies covered in this module:
                • Being aware of and being able to address stigma.
                • Promoting and protecting the human rights of those you serve.

                Click here to start for breif module introduction

                Required readings
                  Optional readings
                    Peer Activities

                              Module 2: Lesson 1: Policies and Legislation

                              Learning Objectives:

                              Upon completion of the first lesson of Module 2, students should be able to:

                              • Describe stigma and its potential impact, as well as the practical strategies to address it.
                              • Describe how physician/clinician attitudes toward patients with substance use disorders can impact recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of patients.
                              • Illustrate care that is free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, nationality, ethnicity, indigenous or social origin, property, birth, age, or other status.
                              • Discuss how to provide care in a way that respects the dignity of the person and is culturally sensitive and appropriate.
                              • Discuss how to minimize stigma, marginalization, and discrimination, and promote the social inclusion of people with mental, neurological, and substance use disorders by fostering strong links with the employment, educational, social (including housing), and other relevant sectors.
                              Approximate time required for the readings for this lesson (at 144 words/minute): 1 hour.

                              Click here to start this lesson

                              Required readingsOptional readingsPeer Activities

                                    Module 2: Lesson 2: International and National Standards

                                    Learning Objectives:

                                    Upon completion of the second lesson of module 2, students should be able to:

                                    • Explain international and national standards, legislation, and policies on mental health and human rights.
                                    • Demonstrate how to pay greater attention to the patient's right to privacy and confidentiality.
                                    • Demonstrate how a patient (or their designated decision-maker) is aware of the proposed therapy and has given their free and informed permission.
                                    Approximate time required for the readings for this lesson (at 144 words/minute): 1 hour.

                                    Click here to start this lesson

                                    Module 3: Substance Use Disorders and Primary Health Care

                                    Competencies covered in this module:
                                    • Understand various best practices for the medical management of tobacco, alcohol, and other substance use disorders in primary care

                                    Click here for brief module introduction

                                    Required readings
                                      Optional readings
                                        Peer Activities

                                                  Module 3: Lesson 1: Tobacco Specific Information and Approaches

                                                  Learning Objectives:

                                                  Upon completion of the first lesson of Module 3, students should be able to:

                                                  • Discuss the effectiveness of tobacco cessation interventions.
                                                  • Recognize quick, in-practice resources to support tobacco cessation interventions.
                                                  • Describe the personal health disease risks (cardiovascular, respiratory, and cancer) associated with tobacco use.
                                                  • Describe the general benefits of quitting smoking.
                                                  • Discuss the symptoms of tobacco withdrawal and the methods of dealing with those symptoms.
                                                  • Summarize the health consequences of involuntary (secondhand) exposure to tobacco smoke.
                                                  • Describe the link between tobacco and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) and be familiar with best practices for the management of COPD.
                                                  Approximate time required for the readings for this lesson (at 144 words/minute): 1 hour.

                                                  Click here to start this lesson

                                                  Required readingsOptional readingsPeer Activities

                                                          Module 3: Lesson 2: General Approaches to Address Alcohol and Other Substance Use Disorders in Primary Care

                                                          Learning Objectives:

                                                          Upon completion of the second lesson of Module 3, students should be able to:

                                                          • Describe the general approaches to address alcohol, tobacco, and other substance use in primary care.
                                                          • Recognize the symptoms of acute intoxication for a substance and treat or refer accordingly.
                                                          • Demonstrate how to take a thorough medical history, including the history of the presenting complaint(s), past history, and family history (as relevant), and know the red flags for substance use disorders.
                                                          • Summarize the evidence-based model of brief intervention in primary care for other psychoactive substances.
                                                          Approximate time required for the readings for this lesson (at 144 words/minute): 2 hours.

                                                          Click here to start this lesson

                                                          Required readingsOptional readingsPeer Activities

                                                                  Module 3: Lesson 3: Alcohol Use Disorder Specific Information

                                                                  Learning Objectives:

                                                                  Upon completion of the third lesson of Module 3, students should be able to:

                                                                  • Describe the specific effects of alcohol on the overall health.
                                                                  • Describe the specific effects of alcohol on the liver.
                                                                  • Demonstrate how to assess the person for alcohol withdrawal symptoms and treat or refer accordingly.
                                                                  Approximate time required for the readings for this lesson (at 144 words/minute): 2 hours.

                                                                  Click here to start this lesson

                                                                  Module 4: Using the ASSIST Package for the Assessment and Brief Intervention for Substance Use

                                                                  Competencies covered in this module:
                                                                  • Understand how to effectively screen for substance use disorders using the ASSIST package
                                                                  • Be able to deliver an effective brief intervention to address substance abuse

                                                                  Click here for brief module introduction

                                                                  Required readings
                                                                    Optional readings
                                                                      Peer Activities

                                                                                Module 4: Lesson 1: Ability to Screen Effectively and Quickly for Substance Use Disorders

                                                                                Learning Objectives:

                                                                                Upon completion of the first lesson of Module 4, students should be able to:

                                                                                • Demonstrate the skills necessary to screen for substance disorders using the ASSIST Screening Tool.
                                                                                • Recognize the skills required for addiction prevention counseling.
                                                                                • Demonstrate the skills that help set respectful limits on patient requests for prescription medication.
                                                                                • Demonstrate how to clearly and supportively recommend treatment to patients with substance use disorders.
                                                                                • Demonstrate the skills for evaluating a patient’s stage of change, readiness to accept the diagnosis, and readiness to undertake behavior change.
                                                                                Approximate time required for the readings for this lesson (at 144 words/minute): 2 hours.

                                                                                Click here to start this lesson

                                                                                Module 5: Monitoring, Follow-Up, Comorbidities, and General Well-Being

                                                                                Competencies covered in this module:
                                                                                • Be able to provide general care, monitoring and follow-up, taking into consideration general health status, common co-morbidities and issues faced by those with substance use disorders
                                                                                • Understand co-morbidities associated with alcohol abuse including: HIV, depression, psychosis and reproduction implications such as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
                                                                                • Address special reproductive health issues for women using substances or receiving pharmacological treatments for co-morbidities
                                                                                • Understand the importance of promoting healthy lifestyles and the general well-being of those with substance use disorders and/or mental health conditions

                                                                                Required readings
                                                                                  Optional readings
                                                                                    Peer Activities

                                                                                              Module 5: Lesson 1: Mental Health Comorbidities

                                                                                              Learning Objectives:

                                                                                              Upon completion of the first lesson of Module 5, students should be able to:

                                                                                              • Distinguish the link between various mental health conditions and substance use disorders.
                                                                                              • Recognize evidence of SEVERE self-injury such as signs of poisoning or intoxication or signs/symptoms requiring urgent medical treatment such as bleeding from a self-inflicted wound, loss of consciousness, or extreme lethargy.
                                                                                              • Understand how to maintain regular contact and follow-up with patients as needed.
                                                                                              • Explain how to identify and manage depression in all who have a tobacco, alcohol or other substance use disorder.
                                                                                              • Explain how and when to ask patients for self-harm or suicidal thoughts and how to offer psychosocial support.
                                                                                              Approximate time required for the readings for this lesson (at 144 words/minute): 3 hours.

                                                                                              Click here to start this lesson

                                                                                              Required readingsOptional readingsPeer Activities

                                                                                                      Module 5: Lesson 2: Substance Use and HIV

                                                                                                      Learning Objectives:

                                                                                                      Upon completion of the second lesson of Module 5, students should be able to:

                                                                                                      • Understand how substance use (including alcohol and tobacco) interacts with HIV.
                                                                                                      • Understand the relationship between alcohol use and HIV, including the increased risk of HIV infection in those who consume alcohol.
                                                                                                      Approximate time required for the readings for this lesson (at 144 words/minute): 1 hour.

                                                                                                      Click here to start this lesson

                                                                                                      Required readingsOptional readingsPeer Activities

                                                                                                            Module 5: Lesson 3: Substance Use and Pregnancy

                                                                                                            Learning Objectives:

                                                                                                            Upon completion of the third lesson of Module 5, students should be able to:

                                                                                                            • Understand the links between alcohol and other substance use and reproduction, and be able to discuss pregnancy planning and contraception methods with men and with women of childbearing age.
                                                                                                            • Identify the potential risks of medications and substance use on the fetus or baby when providing care to a pregnant or breastfeeding woman.
                                                                                                            • Understand how babies being breastfed by women on medications are monitored for adverse effects or withdrawal, and undergo comprehensive examinations if required.
                                                                                                            Approximate time required for the readings for this lesson (at 144 words/minute): 1 hour.

                                                                                                            Click here to start this lesson

                                                                                                            Required readingsOptional readingsPeer Activities

                                                                                                                    Module 5: Lesson 4: Substance Use Follow-Up, Self-Help, Well-Being, and the Community

                                                                                                                    Learning Objectives:

                                                                                                                    Upon completion of the fourth lesson of Module 5, students should be able to:

                                                                                                                    • Recognize when to refer patients.
                                                                                                                    • Demonstrate how, at follow-ups, to reassess the person’s expectations of treatment, clinical status, understanding of treatment, and adherence to the treatment and correct any misconceptions.
                                                                                                                    • Understand how to continually monitor for treatment effects and outcomes, drug interactions with substances (alcohol and illicit drugs) and medicines (both naturopathic and traditional), and adjust accordingly.
                                                                                                                    • Explore involvement in self-help and family support groups, where available.
                                                                                                                    • Identify and mobilize possible sources of social and community support in the local area, including educational, housing, and vocational supports.
                                                                                                                    • Discuss the self-monitoring of symptoms and explain when to seek care immediately.
                                                                                                                    • Identify when it is appropriate to involve the carer or family member in the person’s care.
                                                                                                                    • Understand autonomy and independent living in the community and discourage institutionalization.
                                                                                                                    • Understand when to assist the patient in acquiring a healthy lifestyle, which can improve mental health and help manage substance use disorder triggers such as stress.
                                                                                                                    • Understand how to perform a general healthy weight assessment (BMI, weight, and height).
                                                                                                                    Approximate time required for the readings for this lesson (at 144 words/minute): 3 hours.

                                                                                                                    Click here to start this lesson

                                                                                                                    Module 6: Communication with People Seeking Care, Their Caregivers and Family

                                                                                                                    Competency covered in this module:
                                                                                                                    • Communicate effectively with those to whom you provide care, their family and caregivers

                                                                                                                    Required readings
                                                                                                                      Optional readings
                                                                                                                        Peer Activities

                                                                                                                                  Module 6: Lesson 1: Communication Strategies

                                                                                                                                  Learning Objectives:

                                                                                                                                  Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

                                                                                                                                  • Demonstrate how to use simple and clear language.
                                                                                                                                  • Demonstrate how to ask the person for his or her own understanding of the condition.
                                                                                                                                  • Understand how to provide information to the person on their health status in terms that they can understand.
                                                                                                                                  • Understand that you must be friendly, respectful, and nonjudgmental at all times.
                                                                                                                                  • Understand that communication is clear, empathic, and sensitive to age, gender, culture, and language differences.
                                                                                                                                  • Demonstrate how to respond to the disclosure of private and distressing information (e.g. regarding sexual assault or self-harm) with sensitivity.
                                                                                                                                  • Identify the typical families' reaction to knowledge of substance use issues in a family member.
                                                                                                                                  • Demonstrate how to gain the consent of the person to keep carers informed about the person’s health status, including issues related to assessment, treatment, follow-up, and any potential side effects.
                                                                                                                                  Approximate time required for the readings for this lesson (at 144 words/minute): 2 hours.

                                                                                                                                  Click here to start this lesson

                                                                                                                                  Required readingsOptional readingsPeer Activities

                                                                                                                                        Final Exam

                                                                                                                                        Required readings
                                                                                                                                          Optional readings
                                                                                                                                            Peer Activities

                                                                                                                                                    Course and Self Evaluation & Certificate

                                                                                                                                                    In this section, you can provide feedback about this course to help us make better. Once evaluations are completed, you will be able to download your certificate of completion.

                                                                                                                                                    Click here give your feedback

                                                                                                                                                    Required readings
                                                                                                                                                      Optional readings
                                                                                                                                                        Peer Activities

                                                                                                                                                                Course Activities

                                                                                                                                                                Required readings
                                                                                                                                                                  Optional readings
                                                                                                                                                                    Peer Activities