Glossary of concepts and terms

Glossary from "Counselling for Alcohol Problems" from PREMIUM Counselling Treatments, Vikram Patel.

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Action Plan

The Action Plan is the set of actions that the patient and the counsellor have agreed will be done in between one session and another. The Action Plan relates to the overall plan and to the Target Behaviour(s) discussed in the session, but it is an account of some more detailed steps that the patient will be taking in between one session and another


Using praise


By ambivalence we mean ‘having strong feelings in opposing directions’. For example, a patient with harmful drinking may realise that his drinking has started creating problems in his life and he should change; and at the same time he may also have a strong desire to continue drinking. Helping a patient to resolve such opposing feelings is a very important step in developing his ‘motivation to change’.

Ambivalent feeling about change


Acronym for Alcohol Use Disorders (AUD)