Pharmacological treatment of mental disorders in primary health care (70 mins)

This WHO manual titled "Pharmacological Treatment of Mental Disorders in Primary Health Care" covers the essential medicines for mental health conditions. Within each disorder/chapter, the sections 6, 7, 8, and 9 cover adverse reactions, overdoses, special patient populations, and potentially relevant interactions, respectively. You should review: the treatment of psychosis (pp. 11 - 16);  the entire chapter 4 on depression (pp. 19 - 28); relevant medications for bipolar disorders (pp. 31 - 35); relevant medications for anxiety disorders (pp. 38 - 42); and adverse reactions, overdoses, special patient populations, and potentially relevant interactions for alcohol and opioids (p. 51 - 59). The rest of the manual is supplementary. Pay particular attention to the medications that are readily available in your setting.