Family physician guide : for depression, anxiety disorders, early psychosis and substance use disorders (20 mins)

In the "Family Physician Guide" under the section titled "Overview of Disorders," read from segment 1.14 to 1.19. In the "Diagnostic Issues" section, read the segments on "Diagnosing Early Psychosis" (2.11 - 2.12) and "Diagnosing Major Depressive Disorders" (2.4 - 2.7 and 2.22). In the "Management Issues" section, under the subsection "Psychotherapies and Other Non-Pharmacological Interventions," read the segments pertaining to "Electroconvulsive Therapy ECT" (3.23 to 3.25) and "Major Depressive Disorder" (3.5 - 3.7). In the "Pharmacological Intervention" subsection, read the segments pertaining to "Major Depressive Disorder" (3.29 to 3.33) and "Early Psychosis" (3.35 to 3.38). There is also valuable information found in "Appendix 2: Women's Mental Health Issues." Review the "Screening Tool" for postpartum depression and "Pharmacotherapy in the Perinatal Period" (7.12 and 7.13). The rest of the manual is excellent, and you can use it as a reference. A few other sections of this guide are used in other parts of this training.