Section Name Description
Module 1: Lesson 1: Introduction to Environmental Health URL Definitions of Environmental Health

Read the entire page.

URL Occupational Health(Faculty of Occupational Health Nursing)

Read from the beginning of the page to the heading "4.wellbeing."

URL Linkages Between Environmental and Occupational Health

Read from the content under the heading "Reasons for Linking Environmental and Occupational Health" to the end of the page.

URL What Is Environmental Justice?

Read the definition of Environmental Justice. 

URL Environmental Health Hazards(2017)

Read the content under the headings 2.1 and 2.2.

URL What is Environmental Health?

Read pages 32-35 to understand the concept of individual susceptibility.

URL Preventing Disease Through Healthy Environments: A global Assessment of the Burden of Disease from Environmental Risks

Read from the content under the heading "Executive Summary" on page X to the end of page XXIII.

URL Determinants of Health

Read the entire page

URL The Role of Environment in One Health and National Health Security

Read the entire document

URL Towards Understanding Interactions Between Sustainable Development Goals: The Role of Environment–Human Linkages

Read the entire page

Module 1: Lesson 2: Governments and Environmental Health Issues URL The Use of Legislation in Environmental Control

Read the entire page

URL What Are Environmental Laws?

Watch the entire video(2 min 45 sec).

URL Introduction to Social Vulnerability

Read the entire document

URL Hygiene and Environmental Health

Read the content under the heading "Social hazards."

URL Hygiene and Environmental Health

Read the content under the heading "Cultural/practice-related hazards."

URL Globalization and Public Health - Three perspectives

Watch the entire video(3 min 42 sec).

URL Globalization and Health

Read the entire article

Module 2: Lesson 1: Major Environmental agents URL Physical, Chemical and Biological Hazards

Read the entire page.

URL Environmental Agents Overview

Read the entire page. Optionally, you can click on each title to complement each agent's information.

URL Conditions & Diseases

Read the entire page up to the heading "Additional Topics" and click on each disease heading. Inside each disease page, read until the heading "What is NIEHS doing" or until the end of the page if the heading is missing.

Module 2: Lesson 2: Major Occupational Agents URL Toxicological Agents & Chemicals

Read the content under the heading occupational toxicology on pages 8-13.

URL Action is Needed on Chemicals of Major Public Health Concern

Read the entire Document

URL Effects of Work on Health: Psychosocial Risk Factors

Read the content under the heading "1. Psychosocial Risk Factors" from pages 3 to 9.

URL Biological Agents

Read pages 2-7.

URL Chapter 2.4 : Physical Agents

This document provides comprehensive information about physical agents. Read the content under the following headlines(Including subheadlines):

  • "1.1 What do you know about noise?"
  • "1.2 Which are the health effects?"
  • "2.1 What do you know about vibration?"
  • "2.2 Which are the health effects?"
  • "3.1 What do you know about radiation?"
  • "3.2 Which are the health effects?"
  • "3.4 What do you know about non-ionizing radiation?"
  • "3.5 Which are the health effects?"
  • "4.1 What do you know about lighting?"
  • "4.2 Which are the health effects?"
  • "5.1 What do you know about cold environment?"
  • "5.2 Which are the health effect?"
  • "B) Hot environment" on page 26
  • "5.6 Which are the health effect?"
  • "6.1 What do you know about the occupational exposure at air pressure?"
  • "6.2 Which are the health effect?"

URL Occupational Injuries: Global and Local Perspectives

Read the entire Article

URL Environmental and Occupational Public Health

Read from the content under the heading "Abstract" to the heading "6.3 Systems and Power: The Ethical Importance of Ecological and Social Context."

URL Health Effects of Environmental Exposures, Occupational Hazards and Climate Change in Ethiopia: Synthesis of Situational Analysis, Needs Assessment and the Way Forward

Read the content under the headings "Abstract," "Results," and "Discussion." 

URL The Prevention of Occupational Diseases

Read pages 4-11

URL Aerospace Medicine

Read from the beginning of the page until the heading "Board Certification."

URL Aerospace Medicine Overview

Read the entire page

URL Body of Knowledge for The Practice of Travel Medicine as Defined by the ISTM

Read the entire table

URL Common Health Risks, Required Precautions of Travelers and their Customs Towards the Use of Travel Medicine Services

Read the entire page and analyze how travel medicine is related to environmental health.

URL Careers

Read the entire page and watch the video(10 min 10 sec)

Module 3: Lesson 1: Environmental Hazards URL A Review of Methods Used for Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment of Environmental Hazards

Read the content under the headings "Introduction," "Results," and "Discussion."

URL Understanding Risk and Hazard

Read the entire page.

URL Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): National Center for Environmental Health

Watch the entire video(5 min 48 sec).

URL Hazard Identification (United States Environmental Protection Agency)

Click on the heading "Hazard Identification" and read the entire page.

URL Hazard Controls

Read the entire page.

URL Methods for Monitoring and Control of Environmental Hazards (Including Food and Water Safety, Atmospheric Pollution and other Toxic Hazards, Noise, and Ionising and Electromagnetic Radiation) and Cluster Investigations

Read the entire page.

Module 3: Lesson 2: Mechanisms of toxicity URL Toxicology(NIH)

Read the content under the headings "Whats is Toxicology," "What is a Toxicologist?" and "How does the Science of Toxicology Improve People's Lives?"

URL Environmental Health Risk Assessment

Read the content under the heading "9.1 Toxicity Testing – Major In Vivo Study Types" on page 114-115.

URL Sources and Toxicity of Pollutants

Read the content under the headings "Introduction" and "Types and sources of toxicants."

URL Taking an Exposure History What Are Other Potential Sources and Pathways of Hazardous Exposure in the Home and Environment?

Read the entire page.

URL Principles of Pediatric Environmental Health What Are Common Sources of Toxicants to Which Children May Be Exposed

Read the entire page, pay attention to the agents' sources that may be common to other people.

URL Chemical Hazards and Toxic Substances

Read from the beginning of the page to the heading "Additional Information."

URL Toxicology: Royal Society Of Chemistry

Watch the entire video (4min).

URL Air Pollution is a Truly Damaging Environmental Insult to the Human Body

Wacht the video (4 min 10 sec).

Module 4: Lesson 1: Risk Assessment URL Human Health Risk Assessments Explained

Watch the entire video(2 min 50 sec).

URL Conducting a Human Health Risk Assessment

Read the entire page, then click on each of the five tabs and read its content(Planning, Hazard Identification, Dose-Response, Exposure Assessment, and Risk characterization).

URL Principles of Exposure, Dose, and Response

Read slides 4-5.

URL Exposure and Dose Rates

Read the content under the heading "Exposure and Dose Rates."

URL Exposure Assessment Tools by Approaches

Click on "Direct Measurement," "Indirect estimation," and "Exposure reconstruction" and read the content under the heading "Overview" on each of them.

URL Guidelines for Human Exposure Assessment

Read the content under the heading "2.3.2. Overview of Exposure Assessment" and "2.3.3. Approaches for Exposure Assessment" on pages 12-16.

URL A Cumulative Risk Perspective for Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Professionals

Read from the end of the table on page 3 to the title "2.2. Initiating Factors Prompting CRAs in the Workplace" on page 5.

URL A Cumulative Risk Perspective for Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Professionals

Read the definition of "Cumulative exposure." in Table 1.

URL About Exposure

Read the entire page.

URL Human Biomonitoring – An Overview on Biomarkers and their Application in Occupational and Environmental Health

Read the entire article.

URL Scientific Opinion of the PPR Panel on the Follow‐up of the Findings of the External Scientific Report ‘Literature Review of Epidemiological Studies Linking Exposure to Pesticides and Health Effects’

Read the content under the heading "2. General framework of epidemiological studies on pesticides" and the subheading "2.1 Study Design" to understand the different epidemiological designs' key features.

URL Association or Causation: Evaluating Links Between "Environment and d\Disease"

Read the entire document.

URL Physical and Social Environmental Factors

Read from the beginning of the article to the heading "Question 1. Do environmental factors matter to health?." Then read the content under the heading "Conclusions."

URL Environmental Justice (Environmental Justice)

Read the definition of Environmental Justice.

URL What is Environmental Health Equity?

Watch the video(4 min 45 sec). 

URL Equity & Environmental Justice

Read the content under the heading "Equity & Environmental Justice."

URL Genetic Susceptibility and the Setting of Occupational Health Standards

Read the content under the headings "Role of Genetics in the Variability of Response to Occupational exposures" and "The Use of Genetic Information in Quantitative Risk Assessment."

URL Gene-Environment Interactions & Epigenetics

Read the entire page.

URL Climate Change and Women’s Health: Impacts and Policy Directions

Read the content of Table 1.

URL Social and Gender Inequalities in Environment and Health

Read the content from the heading "Evidence summary: Current knowledge on social inequalities and environmental risk "on page 4 to the heading "Conclusions" on page 13.

URL Unequal Exposure and Unequal Impacts: Social Vulnerability to Air Pollution, Noise and Extreme Temperatures in Europe

Read the content under the heading "Executive Summary" on page 8-10.

URL Guide for conducting Community Risk Assessment

Read the pages 1-32.

URL Managing Risks and Risk Assessment at Work

Read the entire page, then click on the links "Steps needed to manage risk," "Risk assessment template and examples," and "More detail on managing risk" and read its content.

URL Hygiene and Environmental Health

Read the content under the heading "1.3.3 Environmental intervention models."

URL Environmental Insults: Critical Triggers for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Read the content under the headings "Abstract," "Background," and "Environmental Insults in ALS."

URL Environmental Hazards and Life Expectancy in Africa: Evidence From GARCH Model.

Read the content under the heading "Abstract," "Introduction," and "Conclusion and Policy Recommendations."

Module 4: Lesson 2: Risk Management URL Factors Influencing Implementation of Evidence-Based Interventions in Public Health Systems - A Model

Read the content under the heading "Abstract" and "Results."

URL The Precautionary Principle: Definitions, Applications and Governance

Read from the content under the heading "Executive Summary."

URL Evaluating Environmental Change Strategies: Challenges and Solutions

Read the entire article.

URL Healthy School Environments

Read the entire article.

URL Community Engaged Leadership to Advance Health Equity and Build Healthier Communities

Read the entire article.

URL National Center for Environmental Health

Read the entire page.


Read the entire page.


Read the entire page.

Module 4: Lesson 3: Risk Communication URL Interprofessional Collaboration in Research, Education, and Clinical Practice: Working Together for a Better Future
Read the content under the headings:
  • "Introduction"
  • "What Is Collaboration?"
  • "Benefits of Collaboration" 
  • "Interprofessional Collaboration in Practice"
  • "Potential Barriers to Collaboration"
  • "Suggested Resources" 
  • "Conclusion"
URL Guidelines for Human Exposure Assessment

Read the content under the heading "Chapter 7. Planning and Implementing an Observational Human Exposure Measurement Study" on page 130.

URL Health, Justice, and the Environment

Read the entire article.

URL Why We Need Climate, Health, and Equity in All Policies

Read the entire article.

Module 5: Lesson 1: Natural Disasters URL Disaster Hazards

Look for your region in the list and read the common natural disasters registered. Then, read for common natural disasters in at least the other five regions of your interest.

URL Natural Hazards and Natural Disasters

Read from the beginning of the page to the end under the heading "Effects of Hazards."

URL Natural Disasters and Injuries: What Does a Surgeon Need to Know?

Read the entire paper.

URL Health Impacts of Selected Types of Natural Hazards

Read table number 1.

URL Disaster Technical Assistance Center Supplemental Research Bulletin Greater Impact: How Disasters Affect People of Low Socioeconomic Status

Read from the heading "Disaster Impact" on page 6 to the end of page 12.

URL Disasters and Emergencies Preparing and Responding

Read the entire page.

URL Disaster Technical Assistance Center Supplemental Research Bulletin Greater Impact: How Disasters Affect People of Low Socioeconomic Status

Read from the heading "Introduction" on page 3 to the end of page 6.

URL Natural Hazards and Natural Disasters

Read the content under the heading "Vulnerability to Hazards and Disasters" to the heading "This Course."

URL The Evolution of Public Health Emergency Management as a Field of Practice

Read the entire article.

URL Natural Disasters Could Cost 20 Percent More By 2040 Due to Climate Change

Read the entire page.

URL Global Increase in Climate-Related Disasters

Read the content under the headings "Abstract" and "Conclusions."

URL Natural Disasters and Severe Weather

Click on the following links in the left menu and read its content(The links appear below the main text in mobile):
  • Hurricanes and COVID-19
  • Earthquakes
  • Extreme Heat
  • Floods
  • Hurricanes
  • Landslides & Mudslides
  • Lightning
  • Tornadoes
  • Tsunamis
  • Volcanoes
  • Wildfires
  • Winter Weather

Module 5: Lesson 2: Man Made Disasters URL The Tragic Effects of Man Made Disasters

Read the entire page.

URL Natural Catastrophes and Man-made Disasters in 2018: “Secondary” Perils on the Frontline

Read from the heading "Executive Summary" to the end of page 6

URL Man-made Disasters and Public Health

Read the entire page.

URL Disasters and Environmental Health

Read the entire page.

Module 5: Lesson 3: Psychosocial Health and the Environment URL Mental health and the Environment

Read the table on page 4.

URL Examining the Impact of Natural Disasters on Addiction

Read the entire page.

URL Mental health in Emergencies

Read the section "Effective Emergency Response".

URL Disaster Management: Mental Health Perspective

Read the sections "What is the role of mental health professionals in a disaster situation?" and "What is the efficacy of the psychological interventions?".

URL NPW 2018: Prevention After Natural Disasters

Watch the entire video. (60 minutes)

URL Caring For The Environment Helps to Care For Your Mental Health

Read the entire page.

URL Patterns of substance use among Hurricane Katrina evacuees in Houston, Texas

Read the entire article.

Course Activities Page Peer Activities
Page Discussion Forums