Section Name Description
Module 1: Lessons 1: A Profile of Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs) and Audiologists. URL Communication Science and Disorders: From Science to Clinical Practice.
Read the section title "Speech-Language Pahtologists" that starts on page 15 and pages 18 to 23.(40 minutes)

Jones & Bartlett Learning
 - 2021
Module 1: Lessons 2: Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Language and basic concepts. URL Audiology

Read the content under the headlines: audiology, "Hearing sensitivity", "Pure-tone audiometry", "Air-conduction and bone-conduction testing" and "Vestibular assessment." (15 minutes)

URL What Is Speech? What Is Language?

Read the entire article. (4 minutes)

URL Brain and the Nervous System

Read the entire article. (12 minutes) - 2019

URL Speech & Language

Read article sections: "Anatomy of Language," "Broca's (expressive or motor) Aphasia," and "Wernicke's Aphasia." (5 minutes)

University of California, San Francisco - 2020

URL Mapping the Brain

Read the entire article. (5 minutes) 2012

URL Understanding Voice Production

Read the entire article. (4 minutes)


Module 1: Lesson 3: Communication and its Disorders. URL What is a Speech-Language Pathologist?

Read the entire article. (10 minutes) - 2020

URL Communication Sciences and Disorders: From Science to Clinical Practice

Instructions Previously Provided in LO1 (30 minutes)

Jones & Bartlett Learning - 2019

URL Disorder, Disability or Difference: What’s the Right Term?

Read the entire article. (5 minutes)

National Center for Learning Disabilities - 2014

URL Impairment, Disability, and Handicap

Read the entire article. (10 minutes)

Emory University School of Medicine - 2018

URL Youth and Speech and Language Disorders

Read the entire article. (10 minutes)

University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service - 2015

Module 2: Lesson 1: Articulation and phonation through the life cycle. URL Speech Sound Disorders: Articualtion and Phonological Disorders

Read the first paragraph and the first section labeled: Articulation and Phonological Disorders (Speech Sound Disorders). (2 minutes)

CHAT: Life Changing Speech Therapy - 2020

URL Speech Sound Disorders: Articulation and Phonological Disorders

Read the section labeled: Articulation and Phonological Disorders. (2 minutes)

CHAT: Life Changing Speech Therapy - 2020

URL Assessment of Articulation and Phonological Disorders

Read the section titled "Formal Assessment Measures" beginning on page 155 and ending on page 158. Read the third bullet point on the right side of page 153 starting with "Severity measures." (10 minutes)

ResearchGate - 2011

URL Speech Sound Disorders-Articulation and Phonology

Read the section titled "Overview," "Speech Sound Disorders," and "Causes." (5 minutes)

URL Severity Rating Scales/Guidelines for Speech/Language Communication Services - Articulation Severity Rating Scale

Read the second section labeled: Severity Rating Scales/Guidelines for Speech/Language Communication Services - Articulation Severity Rating Scale. (5 minutes) - 2012

URL Assessment of Articulation and Phonological Disorders

Read sections titled phonological awareness and differential diagnosis. They begin on page 160 and end on page 161. (4 minutes)

ResearchGate - 2011

URL Phonological Awareness: What You Need to Know

Read the entire handout and watch the video. (10 minutes) - 2020

URL Speech Sound Disorders: Articulation and Phonology

Read the entire overview. (4 minutes)

ASHA Practice Portal - 2020

URL Assessment of Articulation and Phonological Disorders

Read pages 151 - 154. Read section labeled: Specific Parameters for Assesment. (10 minutes)

ResearchGate - 2011

URL Speech Sound Disorders: Articulation and Phonological Disorders

Read final section labeled: Assessing and Treating Articulation and Phonological Disorders. (2 minutes)

CHAT: Life Changing Speech Therapy - 2020

Module 3: Lesson 1: Communication and Language Disorders. URL The Communication Process

Read section 1.2. (30 minutes)

Textbook: A Primer on Communication Studies - 2012

URL What Do Acute Care Speech Language Pathologists Do?

Read the entire website. (10 minutes)

speechpathologygraduateprograms - 2020

URL School-Based Service Delivery in Speech-Language Pathology

Read the entire article. (25 minutes) - 2020

Module 3: Lesson 2: Understanding language disorders. URL Assessment and Evaluation of Speech-Language Disorders in Schools

Read the entire article. (5 minutes) - 2020

URL Speech and Language Services in Schools

Read the entire article. (5 minutes)

URL Dyslexia and developmental language disorder: same or different?

Read the entire article. (10 minutes) - 2017

URL Types of Learning Disabilites

Read entire article. Click the learn more links if further information is helpful. (10 minutes) - 2020

URL Speech and Language Services in School

Instructions in Previous LO7 (5 minutes)

URL School-Based Service Delivery in Speech-Language Pathology

Instuctions in previous LO5 (25 minutes) - 2020

URL Spoken Language Disorders

Read the entire article. (20 minutes) - 2020

URL Spoken Language Disorders

Read the entire "Treatment" section of article. (25 minutes) - 2020

URL Language Disorders: What You Need to Know

Read the entire webpage. (5 minutes)


URL Types of Communication Disorders Treated by SLPs

Read the entire article.(7 minutes)

PDF - 2021

Module 3: Lesson 3: Socialization and Acculturation. URL Social Development Theory

Read the entire article. (3 minutes) - 2020

URL Language, Society, and Culture

Read the introductory paragraphs as well as sections "Language and Social Context" and "Language and Cultural Context." (15 minutes)

Communication in the Real World Textbook - 2016

URL Acculturation .

Read the entire abstract. (3 minutes)

APA PsycNet - 2015

URL Language Socialization Across Learning Spaces

Read the sections, "Introduction" and "Language Socialization as a Theory." (35 minutes)  - 2015

URL Being Mindful of Cultural Differences

Read the entire article. (5 minutes)

Edutopia - 2016

URL Communication Sciences and Disorders: From Science to Clinical Practice

Read the section titled "Dialects and Bilingualism" that begins on page 64 and ends on page 66. (10 minutes)

GoogleBooks - 2021

Module 4: Lesson 1: Swallowing Disorders. URL Pediatric Dysphagia

Read the overview section, subsection titled "Feeding and Swallowing." (2 minutes) - 2020

URL Feeding and Swallowing Disorders in Children

Read the entire article. (9 minutes) 

URL Swallowing Disorders in Adults

Read sections "Signs of Swallowing Disorders" and "Causes of Swallowing Disorders." (4 minutes) 

URL Adult Dysphagia

Read the entire "Assessment" section. (16 minutes) - 2020

URL Swallowing and Feeding Disorders

Under the section lableled, "Risks for Swallowing and Feeding Disorders" read the pararaph starting with "Our pediatric feeding soecialists..." and stop at the section titeld "Treatments." (3 minutes) - 2020

URL SLP Careers Specializing in Dysphagia

Read section "Job Scope, Duties, Roles, and Responsibilities of SLPs Who Specialize in Swallowing Disorders." (3 minutes) - 2020

URL Feeding and Swallowing Disorders in Children

Read sections "Testing for Feeding and Swallowing Disorders" and "Treatment for Feeding and Swallowing Disorders."(5 minutes)

URL Swallowing Disorders in Adults

Read sections "Testing for Swallowing Disorders" and "Treatment for Swallowing Disorders." (5 minutes)


Module 4: Lesson 2: Neurological Language Disorders. URL Traumatic Brain Injury

Read sections "Causes" and "Risk Factors." (8 minutes)

Mayo Clinic - 2019

URL Speech and Language

Read section "Disorders of Speech and Language," "Broca's (expressive or motor) Aphasia," "Global Aphasia," "Logopenic Primary Progressive Aphasia (lvPPA)," "Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA)," and "Wernicke's Aphasia." (5 minutes)

University of California San Francisco - 2020

URL Aphasia.

Read the entire "Signs and Symptoms" section. (3 minutes) - 2020

URL Aphasia Definitions

Read the entire article. Click on the read more buttton or watch the linked video for further assistance on each different aphasias if needed. (10 minutes)

National Aphasia Association - 2018

URL Aphasia

Read the entire article. (35 minutes)

ASHA - 2020

Module 5: Lesson 1: Fluency and its Disorders. URL Childhood Fluency Disorders

Read the first four paragraphs of the overview section. (3 minutes)


URL Childhood Fluency Disorders

Read the first and fourth paragraphs of the signs and symptoms section. (1 minute)


URL Stuttering ; Symptoms and Causes

Read the entire handout. (8 minutes)

Mayo Clinic Foundation for Medical Education and Research - 2021

URL Assessment of Stuttering Disorders in Children and Adults ® Chapter in A Guide to Clinical Assessment and Professional Report Writing in Speech-Language Pathology.

Read pg. 352 starting at "Key Assessment Parameters" through page 361 up to "Assessment Aim's and Procedures." (35 minutes)

Research Gate - 2012

URL Stuttering in Toddlers & Preschoolers: What's Typical, What's Not?

Read from the start of the article up until the section called "risk factors for stuttering." (3 minutes)

American Academy of Pediatrics and American Speech-Language-Hearing Association - 2015

URL Fluency Disorders

Read the "treatment" tab up until "service delivery." (45 minutes)


URL Stuttering ; Speech

Read section labeled "Treatment for Stuttering." (2 minutes)


Module 5: Lesson 2: Voice and its Disorders. URL Voice Disorders

Read the "Overview" section. (4 minutes)

ASHA Practice Portal - 2020

URL Augmentative, and Alternative Communication

Read the entire page. (4 minutes)

ASHA - 2020

URL Causes and Risk Factors of Cerebral Palsy

Read the entire page. (11 minutes)

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - 2019

URL Dysarthria - Symptoms and Causes

Read the sections labeled "Overview" and "Causes." (2 minutes)

Mayo Clinic Foundation for Medical Eduction and Research - 2020

URL Dysarthria in Adults

Read the last two paragraphs in the "Overview" section. Read the "Signs and Symptoms" section as well. (3 minutes)

ASHA Practice Portal - 2020

URL Dysarthia in Adults

Read the section labeled "Overview" as well as the section labeled "Causes." (5 minutes)

ASHA 2020

URL Cerebral Palsy: Hope Through Research

Read the section "What causes cerebral palsy" as well as the section called "What are the different forms?" (12 minutes)

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke -2020

URL Velopharyngeal Dysfunction

Read about "normal velopharyngeal function," as well as "types of velopharyngeal dysfunction," and "velopharyngeal dysfunction and speech." (3 minutes)

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center - 2019

URL Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate

Read the entire sheet. (7 minutes)

Mayo Clinic Foundation for Medical Education and Research 2019

URL Cleft lip and cleft palate

Read the section labeled "Roles and Responsibilities." (4 minutes)

ASHA - 2020

URL Dysarthria .

Read the entire page. (3 minutes)

Mayo Clinic Foundation for Medical Education and Research - 2020

URL Speech Therapy for Children with Dysarthria

Start at the sections "More about speech therapy for dysarthria." Open the boxes with the "+." (2 minutes)

Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation - 2016

URL The Role of Speech Language Pathologists in Voice Therapy

Read the section labeled "Treating Voice Disorders: The Role of the Speech Language Pathologist in Voice Therapy." (10 minutes)

Speech Pathology Graduate Programs - 2020

Module 6: Lesson 1: Principles of Audiology. URL What is an Audiologist?

Read the entire article. (5 minutes)

American Academy of Audiology - 2020

URL Type, Degree, and Configuration of Hearing Loss

Read the entire article. (10 minutes)

American Speech and Hearing Association - 2015

URL Hearing Loss

Read section 1.2 titled "Possible Causes of Hearing Loss." It begins on page 7 and ends on page 11. (15 minutes)

World Health Organization - 2015

URL Type, Degree, and Configuration of Hearing Loss

Instructions Previously Provided in LO2. (10 minutes)

American Speech and Hearing Association - 2015

URL Types of Hearing Impairment

Read from "Conductive or Sensorineural" to Causes of sensorineural hearing impairment." (5 minutes)

University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics - 2018

URL Speech Testing

Read the entire article. (5 minutes)

American Speech and Hearing Association - 2020

URL Tests of the Middle Ear

Read the entire article. (10 minutes)

American Speech and Hearing Association - 2020

URL Pure-Tone Testing

Read the entire article. (5 minutes)

American Speech and Hearing Association - 2020

Module 6: Lesson 2: Audiology in Practice. URL 6 – Basic Hearing Evaluation

Read from "Immitance" to "Hearing Healthcare Team (in alphabetical order)." (30 minutes)

VR4 Hearing Loss - 2020

URL Ear Examination

Read the entire article. (6 minutes)

University of California, San Francisco - 2019

URL Recommended Procedure Rinne and Weber tuning fork tests

Read 1.1 "Background and Scope" on page 4. (2 minutes)

British Society of Audiology - 2016

URL BAER - Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response

Click "keep reading" and read the entire article (5 minutes)

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai - 2020

URL 6 – Basic Hearing Evaluation

Instructions Previously in LO7 (30 minutes)

VR4 Hearing Loss - 2020

URL Recommended Procedure Rinne and Weber Tuning Fork Tests

Read from 1.2 "Development of the Recommended Procedure" on page 4 to "References" on page 10. (12 minutes)

British Society of Audiology - 2016

URL Ear Examination

Instructions Previously in LO7 (10 minutes)

University of California, San Francisco - 2019

Module 7: Lesson 1: Fluency and its Disorders. URL Effects of Hearing Loss of Development

Read entire PDF (10 minutes)

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 2015

URL Hearing Loss in Children

Read the first two paragraphs. (3 minutes)

National Research Council (US) Committee on Disability Determination for Individuals with Hearing Impairments 2004

URL Effects of Hearing Loss on Development

Read the entire article. (15 minutes)

Reading Rockets 2005

URL Speech and Language Therapy

Read the dropdown article titled "How Can A Speech and Language Therapist Help Your Child?" (10 minutes)

National Deaf Children's Society

URL Hearing Loss Treatment and Intervention Services

Read the entire article. (10 minutes)

Center for Disease Control and Prevention 2020

URL How People with Hearing Loss Learn Language

Read the entire article. (10 minutes)

Center for Disease Control and Prevention - 2020

URL Developing Language and Writing Skills of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students: A Simultaneous Approach

Start reading from page 3 "Developing Language and Writing Skills of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students: A Simultaneous Approach" to page 4 "Review of Literature." (10 minutes)

University of Tennessee, Knoxville - 2014

URL Bilingualism.

Read under headings "Bilingualism," "Education," and "The Deaf community." (4 minutes)

National Deaf children's Association - 2021

URL Making Choices About Communication

Read the entire article. (15 minutes)

Aussie deaf kids - 2004

Module 8: Lesson 1 : Substance Use and Speech Disorders and Pathologies. URL Drugs and the Voice: Does Cocaine affect the Voice?

Read the entire article. (5 minutes)

Osborne Head & Neck Institute

URL Otolaryngology manifestations of cocaine abuse.

Read the content under the headlines of "Äbstract and "Results." (24 minutes.)


URL Impact of oral and oropharyngeal cancer diagnosis on smoking cessation patients and cohabiting smokers

Read the entire article. (30 minutes.)


URL Drug-induced vocal cord damage

Read the entire article. (2 minutes)


URL Voice Case of the Week: The Effects of Alcohol on the Voice

Read the entire article. (2 minutes)

Osborne Head & Neck Institute 

Module 8: Lesson 2 : Substance Use and Audiological Pathologies. URL Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss Due to Drug Abuse

Read the entire article (25 minutes)

Biennial NCRAR International Conference: SEMINARS IN HEARING - 2012

URL Opioid Drugs and Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Read the entire article. (8 minutes)

NCBI - 2019

URL Analysis of drug-induced hearing loss by using a spontaneous reporting system database

Read ¨Abstract,¨ ¨Introduction," "Results," "Discussion," and "Conclusions." (20 minutes)

PLOS ONE - 2019

URL Hearing Loss’ Connection To Drug And Alcohol Addiction

Read the entire information. (4 minutes)

Hearing Associates of Northern Virginia - 2019

URL Drug-Induced Ototoxicity

Read the entire article. (5 minutes)