Section Name Description
Module1: Lesson 1: War and Public Health URL Epidemiology Morbidity And Mortality

Read the content under the topics "Definition/ Introduction". (6 minutes)

StatPearls - 2022

URL Displaced Person

Read the definition for displaced person. (1 minute)

Eurpoean Commission - 2019

URL Malnutrition

Read from the beginning of the page to "Scope of the problem" (excluded). (4 minutes)

WHO - 2021

URL Rule 5. Definition of Civilians

Read the entire webpage. (5 minutes)

International Committee of the Red Cross - 2014

URL Emotional and Psychological Trauma

Read the content under the heading "What is emotional and psychological trauma?". (2 minutes) - 2022

URL Armed conflict, a neglected determinant of childhood vaccination : some children are left behind

Read the following sections: (20 minutes)
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Background
- The impact of armed conflict on childhood immunization.
- Attacks on health-care facilities and workers.
- Forceful displacement and denial of access to health-care services.
- Armed conflict, infectious disease outbreaks and the reemergence of VPDs.

Him Vaccine Immunother - 2020

URL Conducting public health surveillance in areas of armed conflict and restricted population access: a qualitative case study of polio surveillance in conflict affected areas of Borno state, Nigeria.
Read the following sections: (5 minutes)
- Global strategy.
- Requirements for polio surveillance.
- Challenges in surveillance in armed conflicts.
- Context in Borno State, Nigeria.

Conflict and Health - 2022
URL Ukraine Emergeny
Read the entire article. (1 minute)

World Health Organization - 2022
URL Armed Conflict and Public Health: Into the 21st Century
Read the content under "Neonatal health" and "NCDs."(4 minutes)

Journal of public health - 2019
URL Federal/Provincial/Terrotorial Response Plan for Biological Events
Read the following sections: (12 minutes)
- Introduction
- Aim
- Scope
- Objectives
- Public Health and Emergency Management Roles.
- The first paragraph of Concepts of Operations.

Government of Canada - 2018
URL Federal/Provincial/Terrotorial Response Plan for Biological Events
Read the content under "Guiding principles."(2 minutes)

Government of Canada - 2018
URL Impact of War on Global Economy Extends Beyond Russia - Ukraine Borders
Read the entire article. (7 minutes)

The conference board of Canada - 2022
URL Economic Impact of War

Read the entire webpage. (13 minutes) - 2022
URL The Deleterious Effects of War and Conflict on the Provision of Health Care for Vulnerable Populations and the Potential Effects of Covid-19 on Vulnerable Populations in Conflict Zones

Under the section "Discussion ", read from "Internally displaced people and refugees" to "Education, health spending, and other factors" (included). (14 minutes)

International Journal of Surgery Global Health - 2020
URL Armed Conflict and Public Health: Into the 21st Century

Read the content under "Effects of conflict on health" and "Reduced access to quality healthcare."(4 minutes) 

Journal of Public Health - 2019

URL The Impact of Infectious Disease in War Time: A Look Back at World War 1

Read the entire article. (13 minutes)

Future Microbiology - 2019
URL Armed Conflict and Public Health: Into the 21st Century

Read the content under "Tactics of war are a public health issue" and "Secular and inter-generational health effects."(7minutes)

Journal of public health - 2020
URL The Effects of World War II on Economic and Health Outcomes Across Europe

Read the following sections: (40 minutes)
- Introduction (first 2 paragraphs)
- The channels of long-term effect of WWII
- Mortality
- Hunger
- Measures of war exposure
- Microlevel regressions of adult health and SES outcomes
- Selection effects
- Models of channels of war
- Uneven consequences of war Conclusions

Rev Econ Stat - 2014

URL War is a Public Health Emergency

Read the entire article. (2 minutes)

Lancet - 2022
URL War and Public Health

Read pages 3-14 of "War and Public Health: An Overview."(32 minutes)

To access this book, you must follow the instructions provided on this link.

Take into account that at some point, some of the copies are not available and are in use. During this time, you will not be able to access a copy of the War and Public Health text. If so, please wait a moment and try to access the book later.

Oxford University Press - 2008
URL The Impact of War on the Health System of the Tigray Region in Ethiopia: An Assessment

Read the content from "Attacks on healthcare facilities and attrition of health workers" to "Gender-based sexual violence and rape" (included). (10 minutes)

BMJ Global Health - 2022
Module 1: Lesson 2: The Causes and Impact of War on Public Health URL Causes of War: A Theory Analysis

Read the entire article. (4 minutes)
Small wars Journal - 2018

URL Educational Disparities and Conflict: Evidence from Lebanon

Read the following sections: Introduction and Discussion. (18 minutes)
Sage Journal - 2013

URL Inequality and Ethnic Conflict in Sub Saharan Africa

Read the following section: Introduction, Educational Inequalities Economic Inequalities, Demographic Inequalities. (12 minutes)
Global Data Lab - 2016

URL Conflict in Racism: Broome and White Australia

Read the following section: We must be white: Race and Class, Conclusion. (13 minutes)
Sage journals - 2019

URL Organised Violence as a Never- Ending Story? Reflections in Light of the Russian Aggression Against Ukraine

Read the following sections: Introduction and Conclusion. (5 minutes)
Frontiers - 2022

URL Impact of the War on the Telecommunications Sector in Yemen

Read the section: Impact of the conflict. (7 minutes)
Rethinking Yemen's Economy - 2022

URL Russia's War on Ukraine: Implications for Transport

Read the section: Impact of Russian Attacks and Sanctions on Transport. (5 minutes)
European Parliamentary Research Service - 2022

URL Hunger and War

Read the entire webpage.
National Geographic - 2022

URL Fast Facts: WASH in Conflict

Read the entire webpage. 

URL The Influence of War and Conflict on Spread of Infectious Disease: A Rapid Review Of Historical Lessons We Have Yet To Learn

Read the following sections: Introduction, Results and Conclusions. (21 minutes)
Sustainability - 2021

URL The Effect of Armed Conflict On Children

Read the following sections: Introduction, Global Burden of Armed Conflict on Child Health on Child Health, Effect of Armed Conflict on Children's Physical Health, Effect of Armed Conflict on Children's Mental and Psychosocial Health. (21 minutes)
American Academics of Paediatrics - 2018

URL Interpersonal Violence and Suicidality Among Former Child Soldiers and War - Exposed Civilian Children in Nepal

Read the following sections: Background and Discussion.  (16 minutes)
Global Mental Health - 2018

URL The Impact of Armed Conflict on the Health of Women and Children

Read the following sections: Mortality, Malnutrition, Non-fatal physical injuries and disabilities, Acute and infectious illness, Chronic and non-communicable diseases, Mental health, and Sexual and reproductive health. (26 minutes)

URL Assessing the Impact of Violence and War on Youth in Low - and Middle - Income Countries

Read the section: Effect of Violence on Youth in LAMIC. (2 minutes)
Springler Link - 2013

URL No One is Spared: Abuses Against Older People in Armed Conflict

Read the following sections: Abuses against older people in conflict, Not fleeing hostilities. (21 minutes)
Human Rights Watch - 2022

URL Implication of the Russia - Ukraine War for Global Food Security

Read the entire article. (8 minutes)
Nature human behaviour - 2022

URL War and Public Health

Read the content under the chapter "Consequences of War" from pages 23 to 83. (2 hours 15 minutes)

To access this book, you must follow the instructions provided on this link.

Take into account that at some point, some of the copies are not available and are in use. During this time, you will not be able to access a copy of the War and Public Health text. If so, please wait a moment and try to access the book later.

Oxford University Press - 2008

Module 2: Lesson 1: Impact of Past and Present Wars URL The Exacerbation of Ebola Outbreaks by Conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Read the "Introduction," "Results," and "Discussion." (26 minutes)

Yale University - 2019

URL Long-Term Effects of Vietnam War: Agent Orange and the Health of Vietnamese People After 30 Years

Read the background under "The Vietnam war and agent orange." (5 minutes)

Asian Economic Journal - 2022

URL War and Public Health

Read the content under the following sections from Chapter 19, "Vietnam War:" (16 minutes)
- Immediate effects of the war (pg. 317)
- Health services during the war (pg. 317)
- Post-war and long-term effects of the war (pg. 323)
- Nutrition (pg. 326)

To access this book, you must follow the instructions provided on this link.

Take into account that at some point, some of the copies are not available and are in use. During this time, you will not be able to access a copy of the War and Public Health text. If so, please wait a moment and try to access the book later.

Oxford University Press - 2018

URL Environmental Pollutions Associated to Conflicts in Iraq and Related Health Problems

Read the entire article. (16 minutes)

Reviews on Environmental Health - 2016

URL War and Public Health

On page 257 of Chapter 15, "Iraq War," read the content under "Adverse effects on health services" and "Damage to the infrastructure that supports health." (2 minutes)

To access this book, you must follow the instructions provided on this link.

Take into account that at some point, some of the copies are not available and are in use. During this time, you will not be able to access a copy of the War and Public Health text. If so, please wait a moment and try to access the book later.

Oxford University Press - 2018

URL Ukraine Crisis Public Health Situation Analysis – Refugee-hosting countries 17 March 2022

Read "Key health risks" (pgs. 2-4). (8 minutes)

World Health Organization - 2022

URL Russia's War in Ukraine- The Devastation of Health and Human Rights

Read the entire article. (10 minutes)

The New England Journal of Medicine - 2022

URL Impact of War on the Dynamics of Covid-19 in Ukraine

Read the entire article. (7 minutes)

BMJ Global Health - 2022

URL How Has The War Impacted Ukraine's Environment

Read the following sections:
- Environmental damage in Ukraine
- Long term health risks
- Unsafe water supply
- Military waste in Ukraine
- Nature in Ukraine is suffering
- Toxic weaponry

World Economic Forum - 2022

URL The Impact of War on the Health System of the Tigray Region in Ethiopia: An Assessment

Read the content under "Introduction" to "Gender-based sexual violence" (included). (14 minutes)

BMJ Global Health - 2022

URL Biological Weapons

Read the content under "Overview." (2 minutes)

World Health Organization - 2022

URL War and Public Health

Read the content of Chapter 9, "Biological Weapons," from pages 135-142. (17 minutes)

To access this book, you must follow the instructions provided on this link.

Take into account that at some point, some of the copies are not available and are in use. During this time, you will not be able to access a copy of the War and Public Health text. If so, please wait a moment and try to access the book later.

Oxford University Press - 2008

URL War and Public Health

In Chapter 8, "Chemical Weapons," read pages 117-124, which covers "The Basis and Major Classes of Chemical Agents," and pages 127-132 under "The Use of Chemicals Agents in War," "Terrorist Attacks and Chemical Agents," and "International Law and Control of Chemical Weapons Proliferation." (31 minutes)

To access this book, you must follow the instructions provided on this link.

Take into account that at some point, some of the copies are not available and are in use. During this time, you will not be able to access a copy of the War and Public Health text. If so, please wait a moment and try to access the book later.

Oxford University Press - 2008

URL Nuclear Weapon

Read the entire article. (2 minutes)
CDC - 2014

URL Conventional Weapons

Read the first paragraph. (2 minutes)

UNRPCR - 2022

URL What is a Landmine?

Read the entire article. (3 minutes)

International campaign to ban landmines - 2022

URL What Are The Side Effects of Agent Orange Exposure?

Read the content under "Introduction," "What Is Agent Orange?" and "15 Diseases Caused by Agent Orange." (12 minutes) - 2022

URL War and Public Health

Read the content of Chapter 9, "Biological Weapons," under "Potential Biological Weapons and Their Adverse Health Effects" on pages 141-149. (18 minutes)

To access this book, you must follow the instructions provided on this link.

Take into account that at some point, some of the copies are not available and are in use. During this time, you will not be able to access a copy of the War and Public Health text. If so, please wait a moment and try to access the book later.

Oxford University Press - 2008

URL Landmines and Explosive Remnants of War: A Health Threat Not To Be Ignored

Read the entire article. (5 minutes)
NIH - 2013

URL War and Public Health

To access this book, you must follow the instructions provided on this link Read the following -the content from 'Introduction of Landmines' on page 102 to 'Use of Landmines" on page 105. -'Medical Consequences of Mine Casualties' from page 107 -108. (12 minutes)

To access this book, you must follow the instructions provided on this link.

Take into account that at some point, some of the copies are not available and are in use. During this time, you will not be able to access a copy of the War and Public Health text. If so, please wait a moment and try to access the book later.

Oxford University Press - 2008

URL Other Conventional Arms Issues

Read the entire webpage. (2 minutes)

United Nations - 2020

URL War and Public Health

Read the content under Chapter 6, "Explosives," from pages 89-92. (7 minutes)

To access this book, you must follow the instructions provided on this link.

Take into account that at some point, some of the copies are not available and are in use. During this time, you will not be able to access a copy of the War and Public Health text. If so, please wait a moment and try to access the book later.

Oxford University Press - 2008

URL Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Long Term Health Effects

Read the entire article. (9 minutes)

Colombia University - 2012

URL War and Public Health

To use this online archive, you need to create an account to enable your access to borrow the book and view the chapters.
Read the content of Chapter 10, "Health Impacts of the Use of Nuclear Weapons," from 153-158.
. (11 minutes)

Oxford University Press - 2008

URL Veteran and Military Mental Health Issues

Read the "Introduction" section. (9 minutes)

Statpearls publishing - 2022

URL Canadian Veteran Chronic Disease Prevalence and Health Services Use in the Five Years Follwing Release: A Matched Retrospective Cohort Study Using Routinely Collected Data

Read the "Background" and "Discussion." (11 minutes)

BMC Public Health - 2022

URL Long-Term Impact of War, Civil War and Persecution in Civilian Populations - Conflict and Post - Traumatic stress in African Communities

Read the following sections: (28 minutes)
- Introduction
- Magnitude of the problem of mass war trauma in Africa
- The events of mass war trauma
- Common mental disorders: Anxiety, Depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Frontiers - 2022

URL What is a chemical weapon

Read the first page of the fact sheet under "What is a chemical weapon?" (3 minutes)

Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons - 2014

URL Review: The Risk of Contracting Anthrax From Spore - Contaminated Soil - A Military Medical Perspective

Read the content under "Abstract" and "Clinical manifestations."(10 minutes)

Eur J Microbiol Immunol - 2020

Module 2: Lesson 2: Effects of the Threat of War on Population Health URL Economic Impacts of a Nuclear Weapon Detonation

Read the entire article EXCEPT "Securing the future we want". (24 minutes)

Article 36 - 2015

Module 3: Lesson 1: Migrants and Refugees URL IDP Definition

Read the first paragraph "1. Overview". (2 minutes)

UNHCR - 2022

URL Refugees, Aslyum Seekers and Migrants

Read the content under "Definitions: What Exactly Is a Refugee, an Asylum Seeker, and a Migrant?". (3 minutes)

Amnesty International - 2016

URL Differentiation Between Migrants and Refugees

Read the entire document. (5 minutes)

United Nations

URL Public Health

Read the content under "What are the main health needs of refugees?". (2 minutes)

UNHCR - 2022

URL Refugee and Migrant Health

Read the entire webpage. (9 minutes)

WHO - 2022

URL Migration and Health: Key Issues

Read the content under the headings: ( 8 minutes)
- Refugees and migrants: common health problems.
- Migration and communicable diseases: no systematic association.
- Communicable diseases: interventions to prevent the spread.
- Interventions to prevent food and waterborne diseases.

WHO - 2017

URL Public Health Consequences After Ten Years of the Syrian Crisis: A Literature Review

Read the content under "Introduction," "Current health status for the population inside Syria," and "Public health indicators of the Syrian population." (28 minutes)

BMC - Globalisation and Health - 2021

URL Cultural Competence Refugee Service Settings: A Scoping Review

Read the following sections: (17 minutes)
- Introduction
- Individual-level themes
- Organization-level themes

Health Equity Journal - 2021

URL Migrant Health Burden: Where do we Stand?

Read the entire article. (6 minutes)

NIH - 2020

URL Migrants’ and Refugees’ Health: Towards an Agenda of Solutions

Read the contents under "International frameworks on migration and health" and "Main text" to "Policies in a regional and global context," "Framing," and "Conclusion." (28 minutes)

BMC - 2018

URL The 10-Point Plan in Action, 2016 Update, Chapter 1: Cooperation Among Key Partners

Read the content under "Cooperation at global level" on page 32 and "Global cooperation on migration" on page 33. (4 minutes)

UNHCR - 2016

URL The Role of Local and Regional Governments in Protecting Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)

Read the content under: (25 minutes)
- Introduction
- Recommendation

Council of Europe - 2019

URL Protecting Internally Displaced Persons: A Handbook for National Human Rights Institutions

Read "Part 3" and "Part 4" on pages 27- 41. (40 minutes) - 2019

URL Promoting the Health of Refugees and Migrants


WHO - 2019

URL Global Trends

Read the entire webpage. (3 minutes)

UNHCR - 2022

Module 3: Lesson 2: Peacebuilding and the Delivery of Medical Aid Provisions URL The Impact of Armed Conflicts on Health-Care Utilization in Northern Nigeria: A Difference-In-Differences Analysis

Read "Introduction," "Results," and "Discussion." (33 minutes)

Wiley Online Library - 2022

URL War Prevention and Mitigation Are Pulic Health Imperatives of Our Time

Read the entire document. (5 minutes)

The Lancet - 2022

URL The Role of Public Health in the Prevention of War


NCBI - 2014

Module 4: Lesson 1: War Prevention URL The Social-Ecological Model: A Framework for Prevention

Read the entire webpage. (2 minutes)

CDC - 2022

URL The Public Health Approach to Violence Prevention

Read the entire page. (7 minutes)

CDC - 2022

URL War Prevention and Mitigation Are Pulic Health Imperatives of Our Time

Read the entire page. (5 minutes)

The Lancet - 2022

URL Mitigating the Global Health Threat of Violent Conflict: A Preventive Framework

Read the content under the heading "The prevention principle: addressing the precursors of conflict" and "Conclusion". (6 minutes)

BMJ Nutrition, Prevention and Health - 2020

URL Action Area Policy: Peace and Security

Read the content under ''Context". (10 minutes)
Government of Canada - 2019

URL War and Public Health

Read the content under "A framework to guide public health" from pages 340-345. (12 minutes)

To access this book, you must follow the instructions provided on this link.

Take into account that at some point, some of the copies are not available and are in use. During this time, you will not be able to access a copy of the War and Public Health text. If so, please wait a moment and try to access the book later.

Newyork: Oxford University Press - 2008

URL War and Public Health

Read the content under Chapter 28, "Toward a Culture of Peace" from pgs 452-460. (27 minutes)

To access this book, you must follow the instructions provided on this link.

Take into account that at some point, some of the copies are not available and are in use. During this time, you will not be able to access a copy of the War and Public Health text. If so, please wait a moment and try to access the book later.

Newyork: Oxford University Press - 2008

URL Escalate or Negotiate? Constraint and Rebel Strategic Choices Towards Rivals in the Syrian Civil War

Under Introduction; read the fifth paragraph. (6 minutes)

Terrorism and political violence - 2021

URL Introduction: Thinking about Mediation

Read the entire article. (14 minutes)

JSTOR - 2016

URL The Role of Public Health in the Prevention of War: Rationale and Competencies

Read the content under "Socio-ecological public health framework for preventing war." (5 minutes)

American Journal of Public Health - 2014

URL Syrian Civil War: In the Context of Conflict Resolution (Mediation Efforts)

Read from "Continuation of the conflict, complicated mediations and failed negotiations" to "Assad in Geneva I Statement..." (10 minutes)

Research Gate - 2021

Module 4: Lesson 2: Emergency Preparedness and Response URL Public Health Preparedness: A Systems - Level Approach

Read the entire article. (21 minutes)

Journal of Epidemiology and community medicine - 2007

URL Multisectoral preparedness coordination framework

Read the Executive Summary (page v) and section "2.4 Stakeholders relevant for health emergency preparedness and health security" (pages 5 to 7). (11 minutes)

World Health Organization - 2020

URL Coordination of Public Health Response: The Role of Leadership in Responding to Public Health Emergencies

Read the section "Coordination." (2 minutes)

Intechopen - 2021

URL A Strategic Framework for Emergency Preparedness

Read the content under "Principles for Emergency Preparedness." (4 minutes)

World Health Organization - 2017

URL Strengthening National Emergency Preparedness

Read the entire article. (1minute)

World Health Organization - 2022

URL Alternative Care Sites: An Option in Disasters

Read the following sections: "Abstract" and "Introduction: Why Have an Alternative Care Site?". (2 minutes)

Western Journal of Emergency Medicine - 2020

URL The Role of Crisis Communications in the Russo- Ukrainian War

Read the entire article. (10 minutes)

Institute for Security + Technology - 2022

URL What is the Difference Between IHL and Human Rights Law

Read the entire article. (16 minutes)

International Committee of the Red Cross - 2015

URL International Humanitarian Law

Read the entire article. (4 minutes)

European Commission - 2022

URL War and Public Health

Read Chapter 3, "War and Human Rights," starting from "War and Intellectual Corruption: Justifying Violations" to the end of the chapter (pages 44-49). (17 minutes)

To access this book, you must follow the instructions provided on this link.

Take into account that at some point, some of the copies are not available and are in use. During this time, you will not be able to access a copy of the War and Public Health text. If so, please wait a moment and try to access the book later.

Newyork: Oxford University Press - 2008

URL Prohibition and punishment of torture and other forms of ill-treatment

Read the entire webpage. (16 minutes)

International Committee of the Red Cross - 2014

URL Children and War. Even War Has Limits

Read page 13. (2 minutes)

Canadian Red Cross

URL Prisoners of War and Detainees Protected Under International Humanitarian War

Read the entire article. (4 minutes)

ICRC - 2010

URL Humanitarian Principles in Conflict

Read "Overview," "'Relevance for emergency operation," and "Description and guidance." (4 minutes)

ACF International - 2013

URL Human Rights and Sustaining Peace

Read from the "Introduction" to "Human Rights and Positive Peace." (7 minutes)
International Peace Institute - 2017

URL Promoting Public Health Legal Preparedness for Emergencies: Review of Current Trends and Their Relevance in the Light of the Ebola Crisis

Read the content under "Introduction" and "The role of PHLP in emergency response." (3 minutes)

Global Health Action - 2015

URL Public Health Emergency Preparedness: A Framework to Promote Resilience

Read the "Background" and "Discussion." (17 minutes)

BMC Public Health - 2018

URL Guidelines for writing a commentary

Read the entire article. (2 minutes)

International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health and Well-being - 2016

URL How to write a research proposal

Read the entire article. (13 minutes)

Indian Journal of Anaesthesia - 2016

URL Framework for strengthening health emergency preparedness in cities and urban settings

Read "4.2 Multisectoral coordination for preparedness" (pages 19-22). (7 minutes)

World Health Organization - 2021

URL War and Public Health

Read the content under Chapter 21 "International Law" from Pages 357-367. (33 minutes)

To access this book, you must follow the instructions provided on this link.

Take into account that at some point, some of the copies are not available and are in use. During this time, you will not be able to access a copy of the War and Public Health text. If so, please wait a moment and try to access the book later.

Newyork: Oxford University Press - 2008

URL War and Public Health

To use this online archive, you need to create an account to enable your access to borrow the book and view the chapters.
Read the content under Chapter 14, "Detainees and the New Face of Torture," from pages 227-237
. (30 minutes)

To access this book, you must follow the instructions provided on this link.

Take into account that at some point, some of the copies are not available and are in use. During this time, you will not be able to access a copy of the War and Public Health text. If so, please wait a moment and try to access the book later.

Newyork: Oxford University Press - 2008

URL International Humanitarian War and Prisoners of War

Read from the "Rights of a prisoner of war" to the end of the article. (14 minutes)

Research Gate - 2010

URL Health workers and the weaponisation of health care in Syria: a preliminary inquiry for The Lancet–American University of Beirut Commission on Syria

Read the sections: "Health workers under attack", and "Global action on health workers in conflict: policy imperatives". (26 minutes)

The Lancet - 2017

URL War and Public Health

Read the content under Chapter 22, "The Roles of Humanitarian Assistance Organizations," on pages 369-379. (26 minutes)

To access this book, you must follow the instructions provided on this link.

Take into account that at some point, some of the copies are not available and are in use. During this time, you will not be able to access a copy of the War and Public Health text. If so, please wait a moment and try to access the book later.

Newyork: Oxford University Press - 2008

URL Law and Public Health Emergency Response Plan and Preparedness

Read pages 73 - 78. (18 minutes)

IFRC - 2021

Course Activities Page Discussions Forums