Epidemiology MeSH Terms

MeSH Terms. 

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Abbreviated Injury Scale

Classification system for assessing impact injury severity developed and published by the American Association for Automotive Medicine. It is the system of choice for coding single injuries and is the foundation for methods assessing multiple injuries or for assessing cumulative effects of more than one injury. These include Maximum AIS (MAIS), Injury Severity Score (ISS), and Probability of Death Score (PODS).

Abbreviations as Topic

Shortened forms of written words or phrases used for brevity.

Abstracting and Indexing as Topic

Activities performed to identify concepts and aspects of published information and research reports.

Accident Prevention

Efforts and designs to reduce the incidence of unexpected undesirable events in various environments and situations.

Accidental Falls

Falls due to slipping or tripping which result in injury.

Accidents, Occupational

Unforeseen occurrences, especially injuries in the course of work-related activities.

Accidents, Traffic

Accidents on streets, roads, and highways involving drivers, passengers, pedestrians, or vehicles. Traffic accidents refer to AUTOMOBILES (passenger cars, buses, and trucks), BICYCLING, and MOTORCYCLES but not OFF-ROAD MOTOR VEHICLES; RAILROADS nor snowmobiles.

Accountable Care Organizations

Organizations of health care providers that agree to be accountable for the quality, cost, and overall care of Medicare beneficiaries who are enrolled in the traditional fee-for-service program who are assigned to it. Assigned means those beneficiaries for whom the professionals in the organization provide the bulk of primary care services. (www.cms.gov/OfficeofLegislation/Downloads/Accountable CareOrganization.pdf accessed 03/16/2011)

Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting Systems

Systems developed for collecting reports from government agencies, manufacturers, hospitals, physicians, and other sources on adverse drug reactions.

Age of Onset

The age or period of life at which a disease or the initial symptoms or manifestations of a disease appear in an individual.

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