Student activity instructions:
First look through the slide sets on "Introduction to Emergency Planning" and "Hazards". From this, you should understand the emergency management cycle and understand the concept of "hazards" and "vulnerability".

Then read Eric Noji's article entitled "Public Health in the aftermath of disasters". This gives you an overview of the possible public health impacts following a disaster.
Now, look at "Topic 1 Problem Scenario Information".

The guide from the Pan American Health Organization explains the consequences of disaster events on those suffering from mental health and substance use disorders. It also provides key recommendations for mitigating the severity of these issues.

Based on what you have read, and from the information given for the scenario, post your thoughts and answers to the question in the discussion forum.
You may also wish to read through other available resources below for a deeper understanding of the issues.

Recommended resources

Listed below is a list of useful resources for students. Students are encouraged to at least read the first two articles.
1) Public Health in the aftermath of disasters: This article by Eric Noji provides an excellent summary and foretaste of the challenges faced in disaster situations and the key priorities. It is well worth reading.
2) Natural disasters: Another excellent article that describes the different types of natural disasters that could be encountered, and has a useful figure which shows how needs can change over time.
3) Sendai Framework: This brochure outlines the international strategy for disaster reduction and priorities for action.
4) Hazard Assessment: This appendix lists various natural hazards that may be encountered.
5) ALNAP Lessons Papers: This is an excellent web resource with several documents summarizing important lessons learned from various disasters worldwide. Highly recommended as a resource for students to refer to.

Last modified: Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 5:21 AM