Section Name Description
Module 1: Size of the Problem (Burden of Illness, Macroeconomics) Page Resources Lesson 1: Burden of Illness

Resources for Module 1: Burden of Illness

Module 2: Causes (Risk Factors, including Individual, Population and Socio-cultural Determinants) Page Resources Lesson 1: Risk Factors
Module 3: Appraising the Evidence that Underpins International Interventions and Prevention Programmes Page Resources Lesson 1: Evidence and International Initiatives

Resources Module 3: Evidence and International Initiatives

Module 4: How Can We Make Health Policies to Reduce the Burden of NCD? Page Resources Lesson 1: How Can We Make Health Policies to Reduce the Burden of NCD?

Resources Module 4: How Can We Make Health Policies to Reduce the Burden of NCD?

URL Drug Policies and Development: Conflict and Coexistence" - A Presentation for Southeast Asi

Watch the entire video

An evidence-based discussion on the interactions between drug control and development, link them to the regional debates, and provide scientific findings on the history of drug eradication; on inclusive policies; and on the diverse impacts of drug policies in armed conflict situations. (73 minutes)

Module 5: Implementing Prevention Programmes (Plan Your Own) Page Resources Lesson 1: Planning and Implementing A Prevention Programme

Resources Module 5: Planning and Implementing A Prevention Programme

URL Exploring the Use of Electronic Health Records to Support Tobacco Cessation and Million Hearts

Watch the entire webinar.

This webinar, co-hosted by ASTHO and NACCHO, explored and identified opportunities for using electronic health records (EHRs) to improve two of the ABCS of Million Hearts: smoking cessation efforts and improving blood pressure control. Furthermore, we provided a state and local example and available resources to support these efforts. (75 minutes)