Section Name Description
Module 1 Page Lesson 1: Disaster Management

Read the entire page. 

File Introduction to Emergency Planning.
File Hazards (Dr. Lee)
File Public health in the aftermath of disasters
This is good article by Eric Noji that describes succinctly the various public health needs that are likely to occur following a disaster.
File Topic 1 Problem Scenario Information
Background information for topic 1 discussions.
File Disaster Definitions

The Johns Hopkins and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies provides this useful guide to definitions in Disaster Health

URL ADPC Resource: Introduction to Hazards
This is a very useful and good summary of hazards and hazard analysis provided by ADPC.
File Sendai Framework
File Additional questions for Topic 1
This document includes the background information on the problem-based scenario as well as additional questions for students to try on their own.
URL Climate Psychiatry: The Diverse Challenges of Climate to Mental Health

Watch the entire lecture video. (60 minutes)

The video explores the impact of climate change to mental health and substance use/abuse

Module 2 Page Lesson 2: Disaster Management

Read the entire page. 

File Emergency preparedness
Page Emergency plan for appraisal
URL Example of an emergency plan

This link is to an emergency plan from Australia that may serve as a useful example for students to see a real life plan.

Module 3 Page Lesson 3: Disaster Management

Read the entire page.

File Needs assessment of humanitarian crises
In this article by Anthony Redmond, he describes briefly the process and importance of needs assessment in humanitarian crises.
File Emergency response in resource poor settings
File IASC Initial Rapid Assessment Guidance Notes
Module 4 Page Lesson 4: Disaster Management

Read the entire page. 

File Project monitoring and evaluation in humanitarian relief
This presentation goes into some detail on what and how to monitor and evauate the humanitarian aid.
URL Assessing the impact of humanitarian assistance in the health sector
This is a useful and interesting article written by Roberts and Hofmann exploring the issue of post-disaster assessment of the impact of humanitarian aid.
URL Measuring the impact of humanitarian aid
Module 5 Page Lesson 5: Disaster Management

Read the entire page. 

File Disaster Management Cycle: response and recovery

Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC) Introduction to Disaster Management Course Manual

File ALNAP Tsunami Evaluation Coalition Synthesis Report Executive Summary
URL Additional source: World Disasters Report-Focus on recovery

More on recovery with case studies.