Section Name Description
Module 1: Lesson 1: Carboxylic Acids URL 'Carboxylic Acids'

Read the section on carboxylic acids.(25 minutes)

 Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry Michigan State - 2013

Module 1: Lesson 2: Synthesis of Carboxylic Acids URL Acidity of Carboxylic Acids

Read the entire section. (7 minutes)
ChemLibre Text - 2020

Module 1: Lesson 3: Carboxylic Acid Derivatives URL 'Carboxylic Acid Derivatives'

Read the sections on Derivatives of Carboxylic Acids. (31 minutes)

Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry Michigan State - 2013

URL Chemistry of Amines

Read the sections on Amine reactivity. (20 minutes)

Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry Michigan State - 2013

URL Reactions of Amines (continued)

Read the sections on Reactions of Amines. (15 minutes)

Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry Michigan State - 2013

URL The Leuckart Reaction

Read the sections on The Leuckart Reaction and Pyrolytic syn-Elimination. (5 minutes)

Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry Michigan State - 2013

Module 1: Lesson 4: Alpha Substitution Reactions URL Carbonyl Condensations - The Aldol Reaction

Read the entire page. (25 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2022

Module 1: Lesson 5: Carbonyl Condensation Reactions URL Decarboxylation

Read the entire page. (20 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2022

URL The Claisen Condensation Reaction

Read the entire page(20 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2022

URL Conjugate Addition and Elimination

Read the entire page.  (20 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2022

URL Carboxylation

Read the entire page.  (20 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2022

Module 2: Lesson 1: Properties of Aldehydes and Ketones URL Nomenclature of Aldehydes and Ketones

Read the entire page.  (25 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2019

URL Properties of Aldehydes and Ketones

Read the entire page. (15 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2021

Module 2: Lesson 2: Synthesis of Aldehydes and Ketones URL Oxidation of Alcohols

Read the entire page. (20 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2022

URL Alkylation and Acylation of Aromatic Rings - The Friedel-Crafts Reaction

Read the entire page. (20 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2021

URL Dihydroxylation of Alkenes

Read the entire page. (20 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2019

URL Ozonolysis of Alkenes and Alkynes

Read the entire page. (10 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2023

Module 2: Lesson 3: Reactivity of Aldehydes and Ketones URL Formation of hydrates, hemiacetals, acetals

Read the entire page. (20 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2020

URL Reaction with Primary Amines to form Imines

Read the entire page. (20 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2023

URL Cyanohydrin Formation

Read the entire page. (25 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2019

URL Addition of Hydrides to Aldehydes and Ketones

Read the entire page. (15 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2019

URL The Reduction of Aldehydes and Ketones

Read the entire page. (20 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2023

URL Oxidation of Aldehydes

Read the entire page. (10 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2022

Module 3: Lesson 1: General Principles of the α-hydrogen on aldehydes and ketones. URL Acidity of a-Hydrogens

Read the entire page. (5 minutes)

University of Calgary

Module 3: Lesson 2. Enolate Chemistry URL Steric Hindrance

Read the entire page. (10 minutes)

URL Acidity of Aldehydes and Ketones: Enolate Ions

Read the entire page. (25 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2019

URL Nucleophilic Addition Reactions of Enolate Anions

Read the entire page. (20 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2021

URL Keto-Enol Tautomerism

Read the entire page. (20 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2023

URL Alpha-carbon Reactions

Read from the beginning of the webpage to the end of the section "Enols and Enolate Anions". (15 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2023

URL α-Carbon Reactions in the Synthesis Lab - Kinetic vs. Thermodynamic Alkylation Products

Read the entire webpage. (20 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2022

URL Alpha Halogenation of Carbonyls

Read the entire webpage. (10 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2022

URL Enolate alkylation

Read the entire webpage. (10 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2020

Module 3: Lesson 3: Aldol Reactions URL Introduction - Stereoselectivity

Read the entire webpage. (5 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2022

URL Diastereoselective

Read the entire webpage. (5 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2022

URL The aldol reaction

Read the entire webpage, Paying specific attention to Boron aldol reaction and Mukaiyama reaction. (25 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2020

Module 4: Lesson 1: Nomenclature, Aromaticity and Aromatic Structure URL Benzene and Aromaticity

Read the introduction on aromatic hydrocarbons. (20 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText - 2021

URL Nomencalture of Aromatic Compounds

Read the section on naming aromatic compounds. (10 minutes)

Chemistry LibreText

Module 4: Lesson 2: Structure and Stability of Benzene URL Bond Strength and Bond Length

Watch the video. (15 minutes)

Youtube - 2019

URL The Bonding in Benzene

Read the entire page. (10 minutes)


URL Benzene’s Unusual Stability

Read the entire page. (10 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts

Module 4: Lesson 3: Aromaticity and the Hückel 4n + 2 Rule URL Aromaticity and the Hückel 4n + 2 Rule

Read the entire section. (13 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts

Module 4: Lesson 4: Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution, Aromatic Nitration, Aromatic Slfonation URL Aromatic Substitution Reactions

Read the sections on Substitution Reactions of Benzene and Other Aromatic Compounds. (15 minutes)

Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry Michigan State - 2013

Module 4: Lesson 5: Aromatic Substitution Reactions Part II URL Aromatic Substitution Reactions Part II

Read the section on electrophilic substitution of disubstituted benzene rings. (3 minutes)

Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry Michigan State - 2013

URL Reactions of Substituent Groups

Read the section on substituent groups. (10 minutes)

Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry Michigan State - 2013

URL Reactions of Fused Benzene Rings

Read the section on Fused benzene rings. (2 minutes)

Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry Michigan State - 2013

URL Nucleophilic Substitution, Elimination & Addition Reactions of Benzene Derivatives

Read the sections on Nucleophilic Substitution, Elimination & Addition Reactions. (10 minutes)

Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry Michigan State - 2013

Module 5: Lesson 1: Proteins and Peptides URL Structure and Properties of Amino Acids

Read the entire page. (30 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2015

URL Peptide Bond Formation

Watch the entire video. (10 minutes)

AK lectures YouTube - 2015

URL Structure of Amides

Read the entire page. (10 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2023

URL Proteins and Their Functions- An Overview

Read the entire page. (10 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2022

URL Zwitterion

Read the entire page. (5 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2022

URL Proteins

Read the entire page. (25 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2022

Module 5: Lesson 2: Amino Acids URL 'Amino Acids'

Read the sections on Amino Acids. (35 minutes)

Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry Michigan State University - 2013

URL Amino Acid Structure

Read the entire page. (10 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2019

URL Amino Acids, the Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation, and Isoelectric Points

Read the entire page. (20 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2022

Module 5: Lesson 3: Phosphorus-Containing Compounds URL Organo-phosphorus Compounds

Click on each of the links,"Properties of Phosphorus Compounds", "Reactivity of Phosphorus Compounds" and "Synthesis of Phosphorus Compounds" to access the information for this lesson. (30 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2020

Module 6: Lesson 1: Principles of Molecular Spectroscopy URL Electromagnetic Radiation

Read the entire webpage. (20 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2019

Module 6: Lesson 2: NMR Spectroscopy URL ¹H NMR Spectra and Interpretation (Part I)

Read the entire page. (30 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2021

URL ¹H NMR Spectra and Interpretation (Part II)

Read the entire page. (25 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2021

Module 6: Lesson 3: Carbon NMR Spectroscopy URL ¹³C NMR Spectroscopy

Read the entire page. (25 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2021

Module 6: Lesson 4: Supplemental NMR Topics URL Magnetic Properties of Nuclei. Nuclear Spin

Read the entire page. (15 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2022

URL Relaxation

Read the entire page. (10 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2022

URL The Power of the Fourier Transform for Spectroscopists

Read the entire page. (20 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2022

URL The Basis for Differences in Chemical Shift

Read the entire page. (20 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2022

Module 6: Lesson 5: Infrared Spectroscopy URL Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy

Read the entire page. (25 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2019

URL IR-Active and IR-Inactive Vibrations

Read the entire page. (5 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2019

Module 6: Lesson 6: UV-Visible Spectroscopy URL Ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy

Read the entire page. (25 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2022

Module 6: Lesson 7: Mass Spectroscopy URL Mass Spectrometry

Read the entire page. (25 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2022

Module 7: Lesson 1: Basic Concepts of Separation URL Pure Substances and Mixtures

Read the entire page. (10 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2022

URL Methods for Separating Mixtures

Read the entire page. (10 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2021

Module 7: Lesson 2: Equilibrium Separations URL Step-by-Step Procedures For Extractions

Read the entire page. (25 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2022

URL 'Distillation'

Read the entire page. (25 minutes)

Chemistry Libre texts - 2020

URL Separation techniques: Chromatography

Read the entire article. (15 minutes)

NIH - 2016

URL HPLC - Normal Phase vs Reverse Phase HPLC - Animated

Watch the entire video. (4 minutes)


Course Activities Page Learning Activities