Section Name Description
Page Lifestyle Medicine Mentored Activities
Folder LM Course Files

Files that you may need to download for the course. 

Page Peer activities
Module 1: Introduction to Lifestyle Medicine URL Stretching Exercise

To refresh your mind and body before taking this module, let's start with some stretching exercises: 

Module 1 : Lesson 1: Definition, Role, and Evidence Base for Lifestyle Medicine URL Lifestyle Medicine: Treating the Causes of Disease

Watch the video.  If necessary, download a transcript of the video by clicking on the link titled ʺView Transcriptʺ.

URL Lifestyle Medicine - Evidence Review

Read pages 2-5.

URL Lifestyle Medicine Competencies for Primary Care Physicians

Read the entire article.

URL Lifestyle Medicine - Evidence Review

Read pages 14-43, and page 70.

URL TEDxMindStreamAcademy - Dr. David Katz - The Road to Health

Watch the video.

URL Lifestyle Medicine Competencies

Read the web page.

URL Noncommunicable diseases country profiles 2018

Scroll down through the list and click on links to access the fact sheets for United States of America, Australia, Sweden, United Kingdom, and Germany.  Read those fact sheets and the fact sheets of any other high-income country of your choice.  Learn about the prevalence of non-communicable diseases in high-income countries.

Module 1 : Lesson 2: The Importance of Lifestyle Medicine in Treating the World's Lifestyle Disease Burden URL Lifestyle medicine potential for reversing a world of chronic disease epidemics: from cell to community

Read the entire article.

URL Lifestyle Medicine

Read the entire web page.

URL Lifestyle medicine: The importance of considering all the causes of disease

Read the entire article.

Module 1 : Lesson 3: The Role of Physician Health and Physician Advocacy URL Lifestyle Medicine - Evidence Review

Read from the section titled "Physician Responsibility" (page 9) to the section titled "A. Prevalence of Lifestyle-related Conditions" (page 10).

URL Physicians' health practices strongly influence patient health practices

Read the entire article.

URL How to Exercise at Your Desk

Practice the recommended exercises at your desk, as outlined in the images at the bottom of the web page.

Module 1 : Lesson 4: Environmental Lifestyle Factors and Their Impact on Non-communicable Diseases URL Global Health Risk - Mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks

Read "Summary" (page v), along with "2.6 Environmental risks" and "2.7 Occupational and other risks" (pages 23-27).

URL Environmental/lifestyle factors in the pathogenesis and prevention of type 2 diabetes

Read the entire article.

Module 2: Fundamentals of Health Behavior Change URL Stretching Exercises

To refresh your mind and body before taking this module, let's start with some stretching exercises: 

Module 2 : Lesson 1: Introduction to Behavior Change Page Introduction to Behavior Change



URL Why behavior change is hard - and why you should keep trying

Read the entire article.

Module 2 : Lesson 2: Tools for Health Behavior Change Page Tools for Health Behavior Change



URL The Stages of Change Model, and Treatment Planning

Read slides 8-29.

URL Influencing Patient Adherence to Treatment Guidelines

Read the entire article.

URL Enhancing Motivation for Change in Substance Abuse Treatment: Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series, No. 35

Scroll down and in Chapter 1 click on the link titled "A Transtheoretical Model Of the Stages of Change" and read the content of that section. For more information, read Chapter 8, "Measuring Components of Client Motivation" (optional reading).

Module 2 : Lesson 3: Techniques for Health Behavior Change Page Techniques for Health Behavior Change



URL Health Goals

Read the entire document that outlines how to set S.M.A.R.T. health goals.

URL Encouraging Patients to Change Unhealthy Behaviors with Motivational Interviewing

Read the entire article.

URL CCNC Motivational Interviewing (MI) Resource Guide

Read pages 5-6, 21, and 28-30.

URL Positive psychology in practice

Read down to the section "Resources".

URL 5 A’s Behavior Change Model Adapted for Self-Management Support Improvement

Read the entire document.

URL Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Treatment of Adult Obesity

Read the entire article.

URL Motivational interviewing techniques: Facilitating behaviour change in the general practice setting

Read the entire article.

URL The 10 Building Blocks of Primary Care - My Action Plan

Read the entire text.

Module 2 : Lesson 4: Building Effective Relationships with Patients Page Building Effective Relationship with Patients



URL The Effective Physician: Motivational Interviewing Demonstration

Watch the entire video.

URL The Ineffective Physician: Non-Motivational Approach

Watch the entire video.

Module 2 : Lesson 5: Maintain Healthy Behaviors Page Maintain Healthy Behaviors



URL Making lifestyle changes that last

Read the web page.

URL Tips for Making Healthy Behavior Changes Last

Read the entire document.

URL Supporting Self-management in Patients with Chronic Illness

Read down to the section "Motivational Interviewing".

Module 3: Physical Activity URL Stretching Exercise

To refresh your mind and body before taking this module, let's start with some stretching exercises:

Module 3 : Lesson 1: Introduction to Physical Activity URL Global Recommendations on Physical Activity for Health

Read section 2.1, "Public Health Significance of Physical Activity" (page 10).

URL Your Prescription for Health - Exercise Is Medicine - Fact Sheet

Read the entire fact sheet.

URL Effect of physical inactivity on major non-communicable diseases worldwide: an analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy

Read the Summary. 

URL 23 and 1/2 hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health?

Watch the entire video.

Module 3: Lesson 2: Recommendations on Physical Activity URL Global Recommendations on Physical Activity for Health

Read the Executive Summary (pages 7-8).

URL How fast does the Grim Reaper walk? Receiver operating characteristics curve analysis in healthy men aged 70 and over

Read the Abstract.  For additional information, read the entire article (optional).  Note:  This article is based on scientific research.

Module 3: Lesson 3: Components of Physical Activity URL Quantity and Quality of Exercise for Developing and Maintaining Cardiorespiratory, Musculoskeletal, and Neuromotor Fitness in Apparently Healthy Adults: Guidance for Prescribing Exercise

Read the entire article.

URL Activity Bursts Everywhere for Fitness - Physical Activity Engineered to fit YOUR life!

Choose one exercise video to perform either at home, in the office, or in the waiting area.  Enjoy.

Module 3 : Lesson 4: Patient Evaluation URL Exercise Prescription Doctor's Handbook

Scroll down and in Chapter 3 (Pre-participation Health Screening), read pages 16-21.

URL Updating ACSM’s Recommendations for Exercise Preparticipation Health Screening

Study Figure 2 (essential).  Then, read from the section ʺThe New Exercise Preparticipation Health Screening Process Algorithm" to the end of the article (essential).  The text preceding this section is optional reading.

URL 2019 PAR-Q+ The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire for Everyone

Scroll through the questionnaire.

Module 3 : Lesson 5: Exercise Prescription URL Physical Education/Health Education; Grade 11 Active Healthy Lifestyles: Manitoba Physical Education/Health Education Curriculum Framework of Outcomes and A Foundation for Implementation

Read from the section "The FITT Principle" (page 168) to the end of page 172.

URL Your Prescription for Health - Exercise is Medicine

Read the text.

URL Physical activity on asthmatic and diabetic patients

Under the heading "Exercise Rx for Medical Conditions", click on the links "Asthma" and "Type 2 Diabetes" and read the content, along with any other topics in the Health Series.

URL Physical Activity in Children and Adolescents

Read the text.

URL Committee Opinion: Physical Activity and Exercise During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period

Read the entire document.

URL The Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale

Read the entire article.

Module 3 : Lesson 6: Improving Exercise Adoption and Maintenance URL Exercise Prescription Doctor's Handbook

Scroll down to Chapter 4 (General Principles of Exercise Prescription), then read the section "Improving Exercise Adoption and Maintenance" (pages 33-37).

URL Healthcare Providers' Action Guide

Read pages 2-3, 8-11, and 17-19.

URL Exercise Prescription Doctor's Handbook

Scroll through the resource and read chapters and sections of interest to you.  Note: Some parts of this resource should already have been read.

Module 4: Nutrition URL Stretching exercise

To refresh your mind and body before taking this module, let's start with some stretching exercises:

Module 4 : Lesson 1: Introduction to Nutrition Page Introduction to Nutrition



URL Overview of Nutrition

Read down to the section "Micronutrients".

URL EFSA sets European dietary reference values for nutrient intakes

Read the web page.

URL Energy intake and expenditure

Read slides 1-6.

URL Micronutrients for Health

Read the document.

URL Vitamin Supplements: Hype or Help for Healthy Eating

Read the web page.

URL Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries, 2nd edition

Scroll down and click on "Chapter 44. Prevention of Chronic Disease by Means of Diet and Lifestyle Changes".  Then, under the heading "Chronic Disease Prevention", read the subsection "Eat a Healthy Diet" and the section "Potential of Dietary and Lifestyle Factors to Prevent Chronic Diseases".

URL Vitamins and Minerals

Scroll through the site.

Module 4 : Lesson 2: The Role of Nutrition in Preventing and Treating Chronic Diseases Page The Role of Nutrition in Preventing and Treating Chronic Diseases



URL Healthy diet 

Read the fact sheet.

URL Nutritional Recommendations for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

Read the entire article.

URL Diets for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: What Is the Evidence?

Read the entire article.

URL The prevention and control the type-2 diabetes by changing lifestyle and dietary pattern

Read the entire article.

URL Can diet alone reverse Type 2 diabetes?

Read the web page.

URL Effects of Different Dietary Interventions on Blood Pressure

Read the entire article.

URL Joslin Diabetes Center and Joslin Clinic - Clinical Nutrition Guideline for Overweight and Obese Adults With Type 2 Diabetes, Prediabetes or Those at High Risk for Developing Type 2 Diabetes

Read the guideline.

URL 11 foods that lower cholesterol

Read the entire web page.

URL Heal Well: A Cancer Nutrition Guide

Read chapters 1 and 2 (pages 3-14) as well as chapters 5 and 6 (pages 21-24).

URL Overview of Inflammation

Read the entire article.

URL Foods that fight inflammation

Read the web page.

URL The Mediterranean Diet

Watch the entire video.

URL Nutrition Pilot Curriculum (Archived)

Watch the entire video.

URL Nutrition and Cardiovascular Disease: Finding the Perfect Recipe for Cardiovascular Health

Read the entire article.

URL Mediterranean Diet and Diabetes: Prevention and Treatment

Read the entire article.

URL Nutrition Prescription to Achieve Positive Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Systematic Review

Read the entire article.

URL Macronutrient intake induces oxidative and inflammatory stress: potential relevance to atherosclerosis and insulin resistance

Read the entire article.

URL Diet and Inflammation

Read the section titled "Abstract".

Module 4 : Lesson 3: Dietary Guidelines and Nutrition Prescriptions Page Dietary Guidelines and Nutrition Prescriptions



URL Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020 (Eighth Edition) - For Professionals:  Recommendations At-A-Glance

Read the entire guideline.

URL Choose MyPlate

Scroll through the site.

URL Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020 (Eighth Edition) - For Professionals:  Talk to Your Patients & Clients About Healthy Eating Patterns

Read the entire guideline.

URL Healthy cooking tips

Read the entire web page.

URL Nutrition prescriptions

Read the entire web page.

URL What's On The Nutrition Facts Label

Read the entire Fact Sheet.

URL Culinary Medicine – Resources for Patients and Clinicians

Watch two recipes videos as well as the "Cooking at Home Instructional Videos" found at the bottom of the web page.

URL Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020 (Eighth Edition) - An In-Depth Look at the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines

Read through the slide presentation.

URL Stanford Introduction to Food and Health

Go to "Enroll Now", register, and do the course.

Module 4 : Lesson 4: Obesity Page Obesity



URL About Obesity

Read the entire web page. Then, download the "Obesity is a disease statement" and read the statement.

URL Obesity and overweight

Read the Fact Sheet.

URL Adult Obesity Causes & Consequences

Read the web page and then click on the link titled "Obesity and Genomics".  Then, read the content of the web page titled "Behavior, environment, and genetic factors all have a role in causing people to be overweight and obese".

URL Measuring Obesity

Read down to the beginning of the section titled "Bioelectric Impedance (BIA)".

URL U.S. Preventive Services Task Force - Screening for and Management of Obesity in Adults: Recommendation Statement

Read down to the section titled ʺClinical Considerationsʺ.  Be sure to read Table 1.

URL Treatment for Overweight & Obesity

Read the entire web page. Then, under the heading "Healthy eating plan and regular physical activity", click on the link titled "healthy eating plan" and read the web page titled "Eating & Physical Activity to Lose or Maintain Weight".

URL Obesity: a chronic relapsing progressive disease process. A position statement of the World Obesity Federation

Read the entire article.

URL Obesity prevalence worldwide - Adults

Explore the interactive map and read the country statistics listed below the map.

URL Overweight & Obesity

Scroll through the site.

URL Treatment of Adult Obesity with Bariatric Surgery

Read the entire article.

URL What's the Best Diet? Healthy Eating 101

Watch the entire video.

URL Healthy Weight Checklist

Read the entire web page.

URL Office-Based Strategies for the Management of Obesity

Read the entire article.

Module 5: Sleep Health URL Stretching Exercise

To refresh your mind and body before taking this module, let's start with some stretching exercises:

Module 5: Lesson 1: The Role of Sleep in Health URL Sleep Disorders and Sleep Deprivation: An Unmet Public Health Problem

Read from the beginning of chapter 2 titled "Sleep Physiology" down to the section titled "Sleep-Wake Regulation" (essential).  The rest of the chapter is optional reading.

URL Sleep and Chronic Disease

Read the entire web page.

URL Sleep and Disease Risk

Read the information on the web page.

URL Recommended Amount of Sleep for a Healthy Adult:  A Joint Consensus Statement of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society

Read the entire article.

URL Recommended Amount of Sleep for Pediatric Populations: A Consensus Statement of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Read the entire article.

URL Session 4: Understanding Sleep's Role in Health Promotion & Chronic Disease  (Archived Webinar)

Watch and listen to the webinar.

URL Association of Sleep Duration with Chronic Diseases in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)-Potsdam Study

Read the entire article.

URL Sleep Disorders and Sleep Deprivation: An Unmet Public Health Problem

Read whichever section(s) that is of interest to you (for those interested in depth).

Module 5 : Lesson 2: Sleep Disorder Evaluation and Management URL Management of Common Sleep Disorders

Read the entire article.

URL STOP Questionnaire:  A Tool to Screen Patients for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Read down to the section titled "Materials and Methods".  Then, scroll down and read "Appendix 1:  STOP Questionnaire".

URL NIH MedlinePlus - the magazine (Summer 2012)

Scroll down and read pages 19, 20 (Tips for Getting A Good Night’s Sleep), and 21 (Sample Sleep Diary).

URL Sleep Deprivation and Deficiency

Scroll down and read the section titled "Strategies for Getting Enough Sleep".

URL Twelve Simple Tips to Improve Your Sleep

Read the web page.

URL Sleep problems - Insomnia Management Kit

Explore the site and read in detail the content of the link titled "Sleep: Facts and Hygiene".

URL Fiber and Saturated Fat Are Associated with Sleep Arousals and Slow Wave Sleep

Read the abstract, discussion, and conclusions.

URL Blue light has a dark side

Read the entire health letter.

URL Relationship between Food Intake and Sleep Pattern in Healthy Individuals

Read the entire article.

URL Your Guide to Healthy Sleep

Look through the booklet.

URL Impact of lifestyle and technology developments on sleep

Read the entire article.

Module 6: Tobacco Use URL Stretching Exercise

To refresh your mind and body before taking this module, let's start with some stretching exercises:

Module 6 : Lesson 1: Epidemiology of Tobacco-Related Diseases URL The Health Consequences of Smoking—50 Years of Progress:  A Report of the Surgeon General - Executive Summary

Read the section titled "Overview" including Figures 1A and 1B (pages 1-3).  Then, read "Section 2:  The Health Consequences of Active and Passive Smoking:  The Evidence in 2014" (page 5) down to the section titled "Chapter 5: Nicotine" (page 7).

URL 21st-Century Hazards of Smoking and Benefits of Cessation in the United States

Read the section titled "Abstract".

URL Final Recommendation Statement: Tobacco Smoking Cessation in Adults, Including Pregnant Women: Behavioral and Pharmacotherapy Interventions

Read the recommendation statement.

URL Final Recommendation Statement: Tobacco Use in Children and Adolescents: Primary Care Interventions

Read the recommendation statement.

URL Smoking Cessation Interventions for Youth: A Review of the Literature

Read the report.

Module 6 : Lesson 2: The Physiological, Psychological, and Behavioral Components of Tobacco Use URL Nicotine Addiction

Read down to the section titled "Vulnerability to Addiction".

URL Pharmacology of Nicotine: Addiction, Smoking-Induced Disease, and Therapeutics

Read the section titled "Mechanisms of Action". 

URL The Health Consequences of Smoking—50 Years of Progress: A Report of the Surgeon General.

Scroll down and in chapter 5, read the section titled ʺPathophysiology of Nicotine Addictionʺ.

Module 6 : Lesson 3: Treatment of Tobacco Use URL Physician advice for smoking cessation

Read the section titled "Abstract".

URL Toolkit for delivering the 5A’s and 5R’s brief tobacco interventions in primary care

Read the section titled "II. The unique role of the healthcare provider in tobacco control" (page 6). Then, read from the sub-section titled "iii. Three Challenges of Quitting" (page 10) down to the end of the section titled "V. The 5R's model to increase motivation to quit" (page 13 -14).

URL Instrument:  Fagerstrom Test For Nicotine Dependence (FTND)

Read the web page.  Then, open the attachment titled "Fagerstrom Test_2014March24.pdf" and read the questionnaire.

URL The Brief Tobacco Intervention

Read the section titled "The 2As & R" (page 1).

URL Promoting Smoking Cessation

Read the entire article.

URL Stages of Change

Read the entire web page.

URL Quitting is a Journey

Scroll through the site.

URL Very Brief Advice on Smoking - 30 Seconds to save a life

Watch the video titled "30 Seconds to save a life".

URL For Smokers Who Want to Quit - One Step at a Time

Read the entire booklet.

URL Resource library

Scroll through the site.

Module 7: Alcohol Use URL Stretching exercise

To refresh your mind and body before taking this module, let's start with some stretching exercises:

Module 7 : Lesson 1: Epidemiology of Alcohol-Related Diseases URL Global status report on alcohol and health 2014

Read the section titled "Executive summary" (pages xiii-xiv).  Then, read from the section titled "1.6.1 Health Consequences for Drinkers" (pages 11-13).  Ensure you examine boxes 3 and 4.

URL Problem Drinking and Alcoholism: Diagnosis and Treatment

Read the entire article.

Module 7 : Lesson 2: Screening for Harmful Alcohol Use URL Alcohol Screening and Counseling

Read the web page (essential).  If you require additional information, click on the link titled "Vital Signs – Alcohol Screening and Counseling? [PODCAST – 1:15 minutes]" and listen to the PODCAST (optional).

URL STABLE Resource Toolkit

Read pages 23 to 27 in the STABLE Resource Toolkit.

Module 7 : Lesson 3: Intervention and Prevention URL Planning and Implementing Screening and Brief Intervention for Risky Alcohol Use

Read the section titled "II. Adapting Alcohol SBI to Your Practice" (pages 11-17).  The rest of the guide is optional reading.

URL Relapse Prevention Video: Early Warning Signs and Important Coping Skills

Watch the video and read the text found below it.

URL Enhancing Motivation for Change in Substance Abuse Treatment: Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series, No. 35

Read the section titled "Motivational Intervention And the Stages of Change" (pages 29-30) and examine Figure 2.2 (pages 31-32). Read chapters 4-7 to learn more about modifying treatments in relation to the patient's stage of change (optional reading).

Module 8: Emotional and Mental Well-being URL Stretching exercise

To refresh your mind and body before taking this module, let's start with some stretching exercises:

Module 8 : Lesson 1: Relationship Between Stress and Health Page Relationship Between Stress and Health



URL The effects of chronic stress on health: new insights into the molecular mechanisms of brain–body communication

Read down to the sub-section titled "Effects of chronic stress on hematopoietic stem cells in cardiovascular diseases".

URL 6 ways to improve your emotional wellness

Read the entire web page.

URL The Nature of Stress

Read the entire article.

URL Positive Emotions and Your Health: Developing a Brighter Outlook

Read the entire article.

Module 8 : Lesson 2: Screening and Screening Tools Page Screening and Screening Tools



URL Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS)

Click on the link titled "Overview of DASS" and read the content.  Then, return to the home page and click on the link titled "Download DASS".  Download the response forms as well as the scoring template and read the content of those documents.

URL Official Standards of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine

Scroll down and click on the link titled "Standards document".  Then, in the document titled "Lifestyle Medicine Standards" read from the section titled "Stress Management/Guidelines" (page 9) down to the section titled "Tobacco Use Cessation Guidelines" (page 10).

Module 8 : Lesson 3: Lifestyle-related Intervention Strategies Page Lifestyle Related Intervention Strategies



URL Learn to manage stress

Read the entire web page.

URL Exercise, Yoga, and Meditation for Depressive and Anxiety Disorders

Read the entire article.

URL Relaxation techniques for stress

Read the entire web page.

URL Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

Read the web page.

URL Your mindfulness practice can be formal or informal

Read the article.

URL 3 Tips to Manage Stress

Read the web page.

URL Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program

Read the handbook for more information about Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR).

URL Body scan meditation session

Listen to the audio titled "15-minute meditation: Body scan".

URL Guided Meditations

Listen to the guided meditation audios in the language of your choice.  Download the transcripts if needed.

Module 8 : Lesson 4: Depression and Anxiety in Patients with Comorbidities Page Depression and Anxiety in Patients with Comorbidities



URL Addressing comorbidity between mental disorders and major noncommunicable diseases

Read abstract, executive summary, and from introduction to.the beginning of the section titled ʺ1.2 Political commitment to addressing the burden of mental disorders and major noncommunicable diseasesʺ.  Then, read the sections titled ʺKey factsʺ (bullet points) and ʺConclusionsʺ for each noncommunicable disease found in sections 2.1 to 2.4.  Then, read the chapter titled ʺ4. Conclusionsʺ (page 25-26).

Module 8 : Lesson 5: Stress and Burnout Among Physicians URL The BASICS - Strategies for coping with stress and building personal resilience for physicians

Read the chapter titled "B is for Body" (pages 4-11).

URL Burnout among physicians

Read the entire article.

Page Stress and Burnout Among Physicians



Module 9: Sexuality and Health URL Stretching Exercise

To refresh your mind and body before taking this module, let's start with some stretching exercises:

Module 9 : Lesson 1: Relationship Between Sexuality and Health URL Defining sexual health

Read the web page.

URL How Chronic Illness Can Affect Sexual Function

Read the entire web page.

URL Drug-induced sexual dysfunction in men and women

Read the entire web page.

URL Sexuality in Later Life

Read the web page.

URL Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health

Explore the web site.

Module 9: Lesson 2: Counseling Patients with Sexuality Issues URL Talking With Patients About Sexuality and Sexual Health

Read the entire document. (12 mins)

URL Sex Therapy for Non-Sex Therapists

Read down to the begining of the section titled "Sex Therapy Interventions".

Module 10: Implementing Lifestyle Medicine Page Stretching



Module 10 : Lesson 1: Health Promotion in Clinics and Practices Page Health Promotion in Clinics and Practices
To start learning about the Four(4) Strategies for Promoting Healthy Lifestyle, WATCH  the 0:00- 8:53 of this video lecture:

URL 4 Strategies for Promoting Healthy Lifestyles in Your Practice

Read the entire document.

Page Five(5) STEPS to Create a Wellness Culture 

URL Physician Wellness: Preventing Resident and Fellow Burnout

Read the entire module.

URL Ten principles of good interdisciplinary team work

Read the entire article below. For  a concise summary of the article, you may view 10:09-12:27 of this video lecture: 

URL Leveraging Time With Lifestyle-Based Group Visits

Read the entire abstract of the resource below this page.  You may also view 12:27 of this video lecture for more information. 

URL Employer Resources for Success

Browse the web page and click on any links of interest to you.

URL Healthy Team Healthy U: A Prospective Validation of an Evidence-Based Worksite Health Promotion and Wellness Platform

Read the entire article.

URL Ten Lessons in Collaboration

Read the entire article.

URL Effects of a Multi-Disciplinary Lifestyle Intervention on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Young Women with Abdominal Obesity: A Randomised Controlled Trial

Read the entire article.

URL Patient Experiences of a Theory-Based Lifestyle-Focused Group Treatment in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases and Type 2 Diabetes

Read the entire article.

URL Obesity: Are shared medical appointments part of the answer?

Read the entire article.

Module 10 : Lesson 2: Key Clinical Processes in Lifestyle Medicine URL The role of primary health care in preventing the onset of chronic disease, with a particular focus on the lifestyle risk factors for obesity, tobacco and alcohol

Read pages 4 to 7 up to "6. Interventions for modification of lifestyle risks in primary health care "

URL Screening for High Blood Pressure in Adults: Recommendation Statement

Read the entire article.

URL Screening for Abnormal Blood Glucose and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Recommendation Statement

Read the entire article.

URL Comprehensive Adult New Patient Health History Questionnaire

Examine the questionnaire.

URL 2014 Evidence-Based Guideline for the Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults: Report From the Panel Members Appointed to the Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC8)

Download the pdf version of the article by clicking on the link found at the top left side of the web page.  Then, read all 9 recommendations listed in the box found on page 511 and examine the algorithm to manage hypertension outlined in Figure 1 (page 516).  The rest of the guideline is optional reading.

URL Screening for and Diagnosing Diabetes

Read the web page and explore the interactive screening tool. For more information, click on the link titled “Full Guidelines” found under the heading titled ʺGuidelinesʺ located on the top left side of the web page. Then, click on the link to chapter 3 titled ʺDefinition, Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes, Prediabetes and Metabolic Syndromeʺ found under the heading titled ʺ2018 Guidelinesʺ, and read the text (optional reading).

URL Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

Read the content of all links found under the heading titled "Table of Contents".

URL Lifestyle Management of Adult Obesity

Read the content of all links found under the heading titled "Table of Contents".

URL 2006 Canadian clinical practice guidelines on the management and prevention of obesity in adults and children

Scroll down and read the chapter titled "9. Role of the health care team in the evaluation and management of obesity" (pages 51-54 in the Adobe toolbar).

URL Adding Health Education Specialists to Your Practice

Read the entire article.

Page Video Lecture: Key Clinical Processes in Lifestyle Medicine

This video lecture summarizes all the key components of the lesson.  You may watch it to revise before your quiz. Timestamps are shared in the page content

URL Lifestyle Issues in Cardiac Health

Read the introduction to the case study.  Then, click on the links titled ʺPatient Presentsʺ, ʺPatient Historyʺ, and ʺPhysical Examʺ found on the left side of the web page.  Read the content of each link.  The rest of the case study deals with the diagnosis and management of the condition.

URL Nutrition Guideline Referral to Registered Dietitian

Read the entire guideline.

Module 10 : Lesson 3: Strategies for Effective Office Systems to Plan Screenings, Follow Up on Test Results and Clinical Follow-Ups URL Committee Opinion: Tracking and Reminder Systems

Read the entire article.

URL Automated Clinician Prompts and Referrals Facilitate Access to Counseling Services, Leading to Positive Behavior Changes Among Patients

Read the entire article.

URL Comparative Effectiveness of Mailed Reminder Letters on Mammography Screening Compliance

Read the entire article.

Page Video Lecture: Module 10- Lesson 3 (Developing an action plan)



Module 10: Lesson 4: Strategies to Obtain Information about Local Community Resources URL Section 8. Identifying Community Assets and Resources

Read the entire web page.

URL Primary Health Care Resource Centre

Explore the web page.

URL Health together: how community resources can enhance clinical practice

Read the entire article.

Page Module 10 Lesson 4 : Summary and Closing Remarks

 This video lecture summarizes all the key components of the lesson. It also serves as closure for this course.     


Section 53 Page Peer Activities
Page Mentored Activities